RESPEC IS REQUIRED ON: Moonlit Uncut and Raven Uncut [previously deprecated in 2023]
RESPEC MIGHT BE REQUIRED ON: Tactician and Silhouette [if heroes or saves created in 2023]
- added Morning Stars enchanted items and respective recipes
- added Rogue Umbral Stalker subclass [design by @HiddenHax]
- fixed Burning Blade spell not allowing a second target selection
- fixed College of War Dancer not granting an extra attack after a non attack one
- fixed Monk Stunning Strike not checking for ki points availability
- fixed no cost powers modal staying open after selection
- improved Innovation Vitriolist mixtures power descriptions
- improved Roguish Blade Caller hail of blades reaction descriptions
- removed backward compatibility blueprints from Tactician and Silhouette
- removed previously deprecated Moonlit Uncut and Raven Uncut