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  1. Overview
  2. Setup Steps
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Run a TypeScript Test
  5. Test Case Description


A demo project for testing iOS applications using Appium, WebDriverIO, and TypeScript.

Setup Steps

  1. Clone this repository git clone in destination folder
  2. Run npm install to install project dependencies
  3. Launch the Xcode Simulator
  4. Run appium in the background
  5. Run TypeScript test script using npm test src/contacts.test.ts


Ensure the following tools are installed and properly set up before running the tests:

  • Node.js (includes npm)
  • Appium (with the XCUITest driver for iOS)
  • Xcode

Installing Node.js

Before installing Appium, you need to have Node.js installed.

Option 1: Install from the Official Website

Visit the official Node.js website: Download the LTS version (Long Term Support), which is the most stable version for most users.

Option 2: Install via Package Manager (Optional)

Alternatively, you can install Node.js using a package manager based on your operating system:

For example on macOS install Node.js using Homebrew:

brew install node

Install Homebrew if you haven't already by following the instructions on

Verify that Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) are successfully installed:

node --version
npm --version

Installing Appium

Global installation is recommended. Install Appium using the following command (-g flag stand for global instalation)

npm install -g appium

Install appium driver XCUITest for iOS tests

appium driver install xcuitest

Setting Up the iOS Simulator

Install Xcode from the Mac App Store or via the Command Line

xcode-select --install

View available simulated devices through the command line

xcrun simctl list devices

Example output:

#== Devices ==
#-- iOS 17.2 --
#    iPhone SE (3rd generation) (6D2E8845-E2AF-4F11-9626-2E4ECA877278) (Booted) 
#    iPhone 15 (122D7465-52EA-47F5-8BD7-8F4EFC86A6FC) (Shutdown) 
#    iPhone 15 Plus (B37F2D65-1B47-49E4-B68E-7D1DAD1315CB) (Shutdown) 
#    iPhone 15 Pro (19452815-91F9-4F3A-A884-94CB69C1983F) (Shutdown) 
#    iPhone 15 Pro Max (F7BA76A0-ED6F-4BED-9C2D-8CE67F81A43B) (Shutdown) 
#    iPad Air (5th generation) (ECC70B39-D98D-41E2-9621-D6399D114581) (Shutdown) 
#    iPad (10th generation) (B5E9DE7C-0799-429B-9504-0750977F5BE1) (Shutdown) 
#    iPad mini (6th generation) (CC38399F-B02C-4AE5-8537-007BCE9CD716) (Shutdown) 
#    iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation) (E7871F60-695D-4D56-8C8F-BCD222F72D14) (Shutdown) 
#    iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation) (81D0C0ED-CDA6-45E3-8AFF-6BF34863E172) (Shutdown) 

The variety of simulators is depends on your Xcode version and macOS system.

If you encounter errors like xcrun: error: unable to find utility “xcdevice”, not a developer tool or in PATH, fix it with:

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

Devices can be booted using its UUID: with the command:

xcrun simctl boot <DEVICE_UUID>

Configuring Test Capabilities

Make sure to modify contacts.test.ts file with desired capabilities. For example for a iPhone SE (3rd generation) running iOS 17.2 simulator, change deviceName and platformVersion as follows:

const capabilities = {
  platformName: 'iOS',
  'appium:platformVersion': '17.2',
  'appium:deviceName': 'iPhone SE (3rd generation)',
  'appium:automationName': 'XCUITest',
  'appium:app': '', // Bundle ID for Contacts app
  'appium:wdaLocalPort': 8100,

Verify that the correct simulator is booted and matches the deviceName and platformVersion in your test capabilities.

Run a TypeScript test

  1. Launch the Simulator by open the application manually or by using the command line:
open /Applications/

Allow the simulator a few seconds to fully load before proceeding.

  1. It’s necessary to launch Appium and keep it running in the background throughout the test execution. Open terminal and run:
  1. Run test script, for example:
npm test src/contacts.test.ts

Dynamic Device Testing Setup

Run on the default device (iPhoneSE):

npm test

Run on a specific device (e.g., iPhone15):

DEVICE=iPhone15 npm test

Note: Ensure that the DEVICE variable is set to one of the configured devices in DeviceConfig.ts. The available devices are:

  • iPhoneSE
  • iPhone15
  • iPhone15Pro

Test Case Description

The script adds a new contact with the following details: first name, last name, company, phone number, and social profile (LinkedIn). Afterward, the script opens the contact's social profile and ensures successful login to LinkedIn for a full view of the profile.


I have created a dummy account specifically for this test. The login information is saved under the 'LinkedIn login info' parameters in contacts.test.ts and can be replaced with another account by updating the USERNAME and PASSWORD values. Since this account has been used repeatedly across many tests, LinkedIn may flag it for suspicious activity and request additional verification during login, such as a code sent to the associated email.

To prevent this issue, it is recommended to manually log in to LinkedIn on the simulator once before starting the tests.

After completing the manual login, reset the simulator for a clean testing environment by navigating to Device > Erase All Content and Settings... in the Simulator application. Then, proceed to run the tests.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone SE (3rd generation) - 2024-11-27 at 18 10 33 copy Simulator Screenshot - iPhone SE (3rd generation) - 2024-11-27 at 23 02 30 copy

Handling Edge Cases in the Test

The test accounts for several edge cases and includes mechanisms to handle them:

  1. Spotlight Search Instructions in Safari: On the first use of Safari, clicking the URL bar may trigger a Spotlight Search instructions popup. The test ensures this popup is closed before proceeding.
Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 1 47 04
  1. LinkedIn Profile Viewing Without Login: When opening a LinkedIn profile, the platform may display the profile without requiring login or may show popups such as "View Person's full profile." The test ensures these popups are closed and verifies that the login process is completed.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone SE (3rd generation) - 2024-11-27 at 16 32 16 copyScreenshot 2024-11-27 at 22 18 19 copy

  1. Custom Keyboard on Keychain-Saved Passwords: If there are passwords saved in the keychain, a custom keyboard may appear during login instead of the default keyboard. This custom keyboard screen can prevent the URL address from being checked, as it obscures the view.
Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 1 51 51
  1. 'Welcome Back' Menu on Login: After logging out of an existing account, LinkedIn presents a 'Welcome back' screen during the next login, with the username already pre-filled. The test accommodates this behavior to ensure the login process continues smoothly.
Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 1 48 07

Test chronology

You can watch a walkthrough recording of the test at this [link].

  1. Open the Contacts app and tap the Add (+) button to create a new contact.
  2. Fill in the contact details, including:
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Company
  • Phone number (set as iPhone)
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn social profile
  1. Tap Done to save the contact.
  2. On the contact's page, scroll down and tap the LinkedIn link.
  3. Check the current URL. Handle edge cases #1, #2, and #3 as necessary. If login is required, navigate to
  4. Enter the login credentials and sign in, addressing edge case #4 as needed.
  5. When prompted to save the password, click Not Now to dismiss the popup.
  6. Verify successful login by confirming the URL redirects to the LinkedIn feed.
  7. Return to the Contacts app and tap the contact's LinkedIn profile link again.
  8. Verify that the current URL matches the LinkedIn social profile.

Run the test a second time while already logged in, and a third time after logging out. To test the Keychain-saved edge case, erase all content for a fresh start (Device > Erase All Content and Settings... in the Simulator application) and make sure the login information is saved in the Passwords section within Settings before starting the initial test.


Automation Script with Appium in TypeScript






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