Softlation's service is a plugin for Unity that provides a simplest way to implement localization updates and improve QA processes for your games and apps Softlation Service. If you want use Softlation Service in your project you need to include the plugin in your project from Asset Store or Official Website.
Download Asset from Unity3D Asset Store or Softlation Service Official Website and include it to your project.
First you must init Soflation Service in Start function:
void Start() {
You can get value just by key:
SoftlationService.GetTextValue(key); //return string
And you can get value with parameters:
SoftlationService.GetTextWithParameter(key, params);
In your value you need set @i, if you want that params set that place.
SoftlationService.listLanguges(); //return massive string[]
You can change current display language to another by send locale you need
SoftlationService.changeLanguage(en-EN); //return void
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