$ git clone https://github.com/SoftEngineerTeam/VulDecgre.git
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd VulDegre/cli
$ python train.py GGNN GraphBinaryClassification ../data/data/testcase
$ cd VulDegre/cli
python test.py GGNN GraphBinaryClassification ../data/data/predict --storedModel_path "./trained_model/GGNN_GraphBinaryClassification_best.pkl"
(1) Slicing data:
cd VulDecgre/Edge_processing/slicec_8edges_funcblock/src/main/java/slice
Run ClassifyFileOfProject.java to extract C files.
Run Main.java to slice code functions.
(2) Extracting eight types of relationship edges:
cd VulDecgre/Edge_processing/slicec_8edges_funcblock/src/main/java/eightEdges
We use Joern to generate the code structure graph and we provide a compiled version of joern.
Run Main.java to extrace edges.
Run concateJoern.java to concate all edges to graph.
To investigate the effectiveness of VulDecgre in vulnerability detection, we adopt three open-source vulnerability datasets and a self-collected dataset from these paper:
- Fan et al. [1]:
- Reveal [2]:
- FFMPeg+Qemu [3]:
- Our self-collected dataset:
[1] Jiahao Fan, Yi Li, Shaohua Wang, and Tien Nguyen. 2020. A C/C++ Code Vulnerability Dataset with Code Changes and CVE Summaries. In The 2020 International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). IEEE.
[2] Saikat Chakraborty, Rahul Krishna, Yangruibo Ding, and Baishakhi Ray. 2020. Deep Learning based Vulnerability Detection: Are We There Yet? arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.07235 (2020).
[3] Yaqin Zhou, Shangqing Liu, Jingkai Siow, Xiaoning Du, and Yang Liu. 2019. Devign: Effective vulnerability identification by learning comprehensive program semantics via graph neural networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 10197–10207.