In the CDTN project, we're making use of a Tensorflow model to generate embeddings for queries and documents.
This can be useful to add vector fields to some Elastic documents or search queries and perform text similarity searches
An example application is available here : ./demo.
We're using the Universal Sentence Encoder Multilingual QA from Google, a great documentation is available.
The first step is to download the model itself :
curl --output sentqam.tar.gz
We need to decompress it and use a specific path in order to explicitly set the model version (for TF serve).
mkdir -p sentqam/3/ & tar -zxf sentqam.tar.gz --directory sentqam/3/
only the
is important, sentqam is just a shorter name for sentence query answer multilingual
TF serve is available as a docker image. At the time of writing (May 15th 2020), the latest
version of TF serve is not compatible with the model we need (due to an issue with the tensorflow-text version). However, the TF serve 2.2 version fixes the problem, and is currently available as a release candidate. Using the nightly
image, we can get it working :
docker run -p 8501:8501 --mount type=bind,source=/absolute/path/to/sentqam/,target=/models/sentqam -e MODEL_NAME=sentqam -t tensorflow/serving:nightly
At that point, our sentqam model is deployed with TF serve and can be accessed from the outside.
Now we can call the endpoint to embed queries and documents.
- Embed query :
$ curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8501/v1/models/sentqam:predict \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"signature_name":"question_encoder","inputs":["poireau"]}'
- Embed document :
$ curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8501/v1/models/sentqam:predict \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"signature_name":"response_encoder","inputs":{"input":["Recettes de plats au poireau"], "context": ["La tarte au poireau. Fondue de poireaux. Poireaux vinaigrette."]}}'