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Apache Iceberg and Snowflake Open Catalog (Apache Polaris)


Snowflake’s integrated support for Apache Iceberg allows you to create a highly interoperable, open lakehouse architecture. Snowflake can simplify batch and streaming ingest, transformation pipelines, analytics, all on top of Iceberg. And Snowflake Open Catalog, a managed service for Apache Polaris, enables role-based access controls across many engines.

[Apache Polaris™ is currently undergoing Incubation at the Apache Software Foundation]

Watch demo video on YouTube.

What You'll Build

  • A pipeline that streams data directly into Apache Iceberg tables
  • Incremental data transformation pipelines
  • Interoperable role-based access controls


NOTE: This demo is set up for AWS.

  • Ability to create or access an existing S3 bucket
  • Ability to create AWS IAM roles, policies, and trust relationships
  • Access to a Snowflake account in the same AWS region as your S3 bucket
  • Ability to create or access an existing Snowflake Open Catalog account
  • Ability to create Iceberg and Dynamic tables in Snowflake


Step 1. Create Snowflake Open Catalog Account, Connections, Roles

  • Create a Snowflake Open Catalog account
  • Create a catalog
    • NOTE: Be sure to set the External toggle to On as described here
  • From the Connections page
    • In the Principals tab, create three service connections named spark_analyst, spark_engineer, and snowflake_engineer
    • In the Roles tab, create three principal roles named spark_analyst_role and spark_engineer_role, and snowflake_engeineer_role
      • NOTE: Save the one-time information of CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET of snowflake_engeineer_role for creating catalog integration.
  • From the snowflake_catalog page, in the roles tab
    • Create three catalog roles named table_all,table_reader_refined, and snowflake_catalog_role with the following privileges

      • table_all:
        • Catalog:
          • NAMESPACE_LIST
          • TABLE_LIST
          • TABLE_READ_DATA
      • table_reader_refined:
        • Catalog:
          • NAMESPACE_LIST
        • Namespace BUILD_DB.REFINED
          • NAMESPACE_LIST
          • TABLE_LIST
          • TABLE_READ_DATA
      • snowflake_catalog_role:
        • Catalog:
    • Assign catalog roles to principal roles:

      • table_all: spark_engineer_role
      • table_reader_refined: spark_analyst_role
      • snowflake_catalog_role: snowflake_engineer_role
  • Follow instructions to enable credential vending for external catalog

Step 2. Create External Volume

Create and configure an external volume for Snowflake Dynamic Iceberg tables to write data and metadata, and an x-small warehouse if needed.

You will need to replace the following values with your own:

  • External Volume
  • Catalog Integration

NOTE: The OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET for creating the catalog integration are of the snowflake_engineer_role principal role.

Step 3. Create Tables

Execute the statements in iceberg_dt_setup.sql to create all of the tables and schemas in a dedicated database.

If you choose to use different object names than the provided SQL, you may need to replace the following values with your own:


Step 4. Load Data

Use the following .csv files and load data into respective tables using Snowsight.

NOTE: Data in STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS will (also) be inserted via Snowpipe Streaming via Java SDK (see next section) and as that happens the data will (also) get populated in VEHICLE_EVENTS_SCD2, VEHICLE_MODELS_EVENTS, and VEHICLE_MODELS_EVENTS_LAST_MAINTENANCE Dynamic Iceberg tables.

Step 5. Snowpipe Streaming

Follow these instructions to setup Snowpipe Streaming.

  • Open snowpipe-streaming-java folder in your favorite IDE and also open a terminal window and change to snowpipe-streaming-java folder

  • Configure key-pair authentication and assign the public key to your user in Snowflake and store/save/copy the private key file (.p8) in the current snowpipe-streaming-java folder

  • Update as it pertains to your Snowflake account

    • HOST
    • USER
    • ROLE

    NOTE: You may not alter the following attributes:

    • ENABLE_ICEBERG_STREAMING: This enables writing directly into STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS iceberg dynamice table
    • DATA_FILE: The data in DATA.csv is used to simulate streaming records. So the records from this file are read and written to the channel and eventually into the STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS table. If you'd like to add more data to Data.csv, you may use the code in vehicle_data_generator to generate more records then append it to the file.

Snowpipe Streaming

  • Change to snowpipe-streaming-java folder

  • Run ./ to build the JAR file that will include all the dependencies

  • Run ./ to start streaming records

  • If all goes well, you should see output similar to the following:

    (base) ddesai@TX5Y99H44W snowpipe-streaming-java % ./ 
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils - [SF_INGEST] Adding security provider
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder - Default user agent SnowpipeJavaSDK/2.3.0 (Mac OS X 14.7.1 aarch64) JAVA/21.0.4
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.connection.SecurityManager - Successfully created new JWT
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder - Creating a RequestBuilder with arguments : Account : SFDEVREL_ENTERPRISE, User : DASHDEMO, Scheme : https, Host :, Port : 443, userAgentSuffix: null
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal - [SF_INGEST] Using KEYPAIR_JWT for authorization
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.FlushService - [SF_INGEST] Create 36 threads for build/upload blobs for client=CLIENT, total available processors=12
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal - [SF_INGEST] Client created, name=CLIENT, account=sfdevrel_enterprise. isTestMode=false, parameters=ParameterProvider{parameterMap={max_client_lag=2000, enable_iceberg_streaming=true}}
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal - [SF_INGEST] Open channel request succeeded, channel=channel_1_SLOOOW, table=dash_db.raw.streaming_vehicle_events, clientSequencer=46, rowSequencer=0, client=CLIENT
    [main] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannelInternal - [SF_INGEST] Channel=CHANNEL_1_SLOOOW created for table=STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [ingest-flush-thread] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.FlushService - [SF_INGEST] buildAndUpload task added for client=CLIENT, blob=net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.BlobPath@65e73c28, buildUploadWorkers stats=java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@783ec989[Running, pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
    13 [ingest-build-upload-thread-0] INFO - Got brand-new compressor [.zstd]
    14 15 16 17 [ingest-build-upload-thread-0] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.BlobBuilder - [SF_INGEST] Finish building chunk in blob=raw/streaming_vehicle_events/data/streaming_ingest/GAoOLpp0sAA/6c/snow_FC81kWLxOPI_GAoOLpp0sAA_1009_1_0.parquet, table=DASH_DB.RAW.STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS, rowCount=12, startOffset=0, estimatedUncompressedSize=1173.5, chunkLength=4608, compressedSize=4608, encrypt=false, bdecVersion=THREE
    [ingest-build-upload-thread-0] INFO net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.FlushService - [SF_INGEST] Start uploading blob=raw/streaming_vehicle_events/data/streaming_ingest/GAoOLpp0sAA/6c/snow_FC81kWLxOPI_GAoOLpp0sAA_1009_1_0.parquet, size=4608
    18 Nov 21, 2024 10:10:18 AM upload
    INFO: Starting upload from stream (byte stream) to S3 location: build-2024-keynote-demos/raw/streaming_vehicle_events/data/streaming_ingest/GAoOLpp0sAA/6c/snow_FC81kWLxOPI_GAoOLpp0sAA_1009_1_0.parquet
    19 20 21 22 23 24 Nov 21, 2024 10:10:18 AM upload
  • You can also run this SQL to make sure the count is going up SELECT count(*) from DASH_DB.RAW.STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS;

Dynamic Iceberg Tables

At this point you should also check refresh history of VEHICLE_EVENTS_SCD2, VEHICLE_MODELS_EVENTS, and VEHICLE_MODELS_EVENTS_LAST_MAINTENANCE Dynamic Iceberg tables to make sure the data is being inserted.

Access Data in Spark

Assuming everything has gone smoothly so far, follow instructions below to access data in Spark.

  • Change to polaris-iceberg-spark folder

  • Create new Python environment using either venv or conda to install the packages and their dependencies

    • If using venv, then:

      • Run python -m venv iceberg
      • Run source iceberg/bin/activate
      • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
    • If using conda, then run conda env create -f environment.yml

  • Create new .env file and add these four attributes

    • POLARIS_ENGINEER_CLIENT_ID='5sT7EAyYFherzqxxxxxxxxxx'
    • POLARIS_ANALYST_CLIENT_ID='+N6Hxu7eVR/TUfvxxxxxxxxxx'
    • POLARIS_ANALYST_CLIENT_SECRET='4kpNzE5286zRWs6qFOY2Yaqxxxxxxxxxx'
  • Open spark_engineer.ipynb in your favorite IDE.

    • Set Python kernel to iceberg that was created in the previous step
    • Run the cells
    • If everything has been setup correctly so far, you should see output similar to what's shown below without any errors
    spark.sql("SHOW TABLES IN DASH_DB.RAW").show(truncate=False)
    |namespace  |tableName               |isTemporary|
    |DASH_DB.RAW|MAINTENANCE_RECORDS     |false      |
    |DASH_DB.RAW|VEHICLE_INFO            |false      |
    spark.sql("SELECT * FROM DASH_DB.RAW.STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS").show(truncate=False)
    |V105878   |2024-10-07 18:57:04.290931|34.0638 |-98.0939 |59.5 |check_engine_light_on|9.5                     |6.5                     |L/100km              |1                 |10                  |1          |6            |2          |7           |false               |
    |V386893   |2024-10-08 15:40:56.290931|40.0696 |-118.2529|71.4 |normal               |8.6                     |7.4                     |L/100km              |1                 |11                  |1          |8            |3          |8           |true                |
    |V231994   |2024-10-07 22:21:22.290931|39.3836 |-105.377 |70.8 |check_engine_light_on|5.9                     |5.4                     |L/100km              |4                 |19                  |1          |8            |0          |5           |true                |
  • Open spark_analyst.ipynb in your favorite IDE.

    • Set Python kernel to iceberg that was created in the previous step
    • Run the cells
    • If everything has been setup correctly so far, the first SQL should fail and the second SQL should succeed as per access control setup in Create Snowflake Open Catalog Account, Connections, Roles section.
    spark.sql("select * from DASH_DB.RAW.STREAMING_VEHICLE_EVENTS").show(10, truncate = False)
    An error occurred while calling o51.sql.
    : org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.ForbiddenException: Forbidden: Principal 'spark_analyst_principal' with activated PrincipalRoles '[spark_analyst_role]' and activated grants via '[table_reader_refined, spark_analyst_role]' is not authorized for op LOAD_TABLE_WITH_READ_DELEGATION
    at org.apache.iceberg.catalog.BaseSessionCatalog$AsCatalog.loadTable(
    spark.sql("SELECT * FROM DASH_DB.REFINED.VEHICLE_EVENTS_SCD2").show(10, truncate=False)
    |V214746   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |check_engine_light_on|
    |V214746   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |check_engine_light_on|
    |V214746   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |check_engine_light_on|
    |V214746   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |check_engine_light_on|
    |V214773   |2024-10-06      |NULL          |normal               |
    |V214773   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |normal               |
    |V214773   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |normal               |
    |V214773   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |normal               |
    |V214773   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |normal               |
    |V214773   |2024-10-06      |2024-10-06    |normal               |

Questions and Comments

For questions and comments, please reach out to Dash.


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