Feel free to give it a start 🌟
- Fully Responsive
- Dark-light mode
- Stunning design
- Contact Form
- Mandatory scroll Y
Take a look at the live project deployed on Netlify
** ------------------------------------- DESKTOP -------------------------------------**
** -------------------------------------- Mobile ------------------------------------**
Immerse yourself in a visually appealing user interface that seamlessly guides you through six distinct sections: Skills, Quick Introduction, Projects, Learning, About, and a Contact form. The design ensures a captivating experience, with a mandatory vertical scroll to unveil each layer.
Experience a consistent and delightful journey across all devices - mobile, tablet, and desktop. The responsive design guarantees optimal performance and aesthetic regardless of the screen size.
Enjoy smooth and engaging animations implemented with Framer Motion. Every interaction, from scrolling to transitioning between sections, is designed to provide a polished and enjoyable user experience.
Harness the power of state management with Redux Toolkit, seamlessly integrated with TypeScript. I've meticulously crafted a robust architecture, employing React custom hooks to handle actions and facilitate smooth data flow throughout the application.
Connect with me effortlessly through the secure and interactive Contact section. The contact form, backed by Nodemailer, enables you to send job offers directly. Rest easy knowing your communication is protected by Google Recaptcha, ensuring a secure and spam-resistant channel.
Provided step-by-step instructions on how to install and run this project locally.
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Sky-De/Portfolio_typescript_next_js
# Change directory
cd directory
# Add .env variables
check .env.example
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the project
npm run dev