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Boss Music

uSkizzik edited this page Nov 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

What's a boss battle or a boss without music? Boring, that's what it is. That's why Boss Utilities adds the option to have a looped boss theme that is bound to the boss bar. The plan is to add on to this very small system bit by bit and eventually add a custom sound engine that will synchronize your music across all players.
How cool is that?


"Ok, but how do I use it?", I hear you asking.
It's very simple! All you need to do is set the boss event property for music to the desired music (It needs to be a SoundEvent. The rest is handled by the library). Here's an example for ya:

private final PL_ServerBossEvent bossBar = new PL_ServerBossEvent(this, this.getDisplayName(), new PL_BossEvent.BossEventProperties().music(SoundEvents.MUSIC_DISC_PIGSTE).color(PL_BossEvent.PL_BossBarColor.PINK));

In our example, we're making a new pink boss bar which uses the vanilla SoundEvent for the Pigstep music disc.
If you want to change the music depending on something else, you can always call PL_ServerBossEvent#setMusic and pass your new SoundEvent. If you just want to stop the music altogether, you can pass null and, thanks to our dark magic, the game won't crash!

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