- ZBOSS is a registered trademark of DSR Corporation AKA Data Storage Research LLC.
- It was released dual license commercial and GPL 2.0 in 2012-2013.
- It implements the ZigBee Pro 2007 specification.
- It was best intented to target small micros like the 8051, as used on the Texas Instruments CC2530/CC2531, and to be built with a comercial toolchain from "IAR".
My ambition (December 2018) is
- port the ZigBee 2007 codebase to be compiled by SDCC and to run on a TI CC2530, because that is the HW I have.
- extend the code to talk ZigBee Home Automation (ZBHA) or even ZigBee 3.0
- hack the clean compliant code to talk to third-party devices, such as Xiaomi wireless sensors.
- make the result useful for tools such as zigbee2mqtt to co-ordinate and mesh-network a ZigBee Intranet of Things, preferably with more-secure and less-internet.
This is not a small ambition and I do not know how much time I have to offer to this project. Let the game begin!