This is for ARPAM python processing only, data format is USPA data, 81921000n U16 data
this code take input only from the ARPAM new sysmem labview code, from April 2023 and running, data format is 81921000frameNum U16 data in little-endian, please change accordingly if you're using an different version of code, please do not open the files for writing!
this code take care of the signal apodization, fitlering, compression, image conversion, and plotting, no normalization is present inside the code and please use if in your own discresion suggested dynamic range for the signals are 40dB for PA and 50dB for US
- load data
- apod and filter data
- getting envelop and compression
- scan conversion
- image coregistration
- image combining
through controls, you can limite the number of procesing steps to take for the image processing, and parallelerize the running of the code
Have fun Sitai Kou