My solutions to coding interview problems on leetcode, educative and other interview preparation websites.
- Sieve
- Catalan Numbers
- Sliding Window Technique
- Recursion and Backtracking
- Binary Search (TopCoder)
- BacktoBackSWE Playlist
- Tortoise and Hare Pointer
- Flatten Tree
- Height of Tree
- Iterative Traversals
- Lowest Common Ancestor
- Level Order Traversal
- Diameter of a Binary Tree
- Recursive Traversals
- Diagonal Traversal
- Vertical Traversal
- Serialize and Deserialize Trees
- Other BackToBackSWE Ones
- BFS Problems
- Graph coloring/Bipartition
- DFS Problems
- Topological Sort
- Union Find
- Find Shortest Path (Dijkstra's/Bellman Ford
- BackToBackSWE Playlist
- LeetCode Graphs Patterns
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Inversion Count
- Count Numbers Larger and Smaller than Self
- Radix Sort
- Count Sort
- Heap Sort
- Binary Search
- BackToBackSWE Playlist
- Insert
- Delete Nth Node
- Reverse
- Merge Two Sorted Linked List
- Fast Pointer, Slow Pointer technique
- Doubly Linked List
- BackToBackSWE Playlist
- Various Types of Hashing
- Basics
- BitMasking
- Powerset and Find tha nums
Easy - 9 Medium - 1 Hard - 0