Cozy is a lightweight command line flag library for C++23. It is a single header cozy.hpp
Because it is written for myself and I have up-to-date compilers.
While I'd love to provide modules, gcc and clang still doesn't have full support as of writing, so no.
#include "cozy.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <span>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int n = 42;
bool h = false;
std::vector<int> v;
std::string str;
cozy::parser_t parser;
parser.flag("-n", "the second argument is the help string", n);
parser.flag("--str", "multi-character flags starts with --", str);
parser.flag("-v", "containers take an arbitrary number of arguments", v);
parser.flag("-h", "bool flags can be set by '-h=true' or '-h' but not '-h true'", h);
auto remaining = parser.parse(std::span{argv + 1, argv + argc});
std::cerr << remaining.error();
return 1;
std::cout << "usage of program:\n" << parser.options();
return 0;
This program can be invoked as
./program -n 420 --str "to be or not to be" -v 0 1 2 3
./program -h
For arguments starting with -
, use =
without spaces
./program --str=- -n=-420
Arguments that aren't part of flags are stored in remaining
./program remaining0 -n 420 remaining1
Use --
to delimit end of flags
./program -n 420 -- -n not a flag anymore