Notes and notebooks I'll take during my study journey on Artificial Intelligence topics
There many difference source of inspiration from all those files. I'll try to keep all the credits here
I'm currently taking notes and creating notebook while studying the Machine Learning Masterclass by datamasters, that has honestly been one of the biggest step I've done during my AI studyng journey.
So most of the notebooks, the notes, and the exercise have been highly inspired by their materials.
Many thanks to @aintzillo, @giuseppemastrandrea and @frankhood for the way they teach and for all the support along the way
Canal Sandeco on YouTube has been a great source of inspiration, especially this playlist
In particoular
- 002 - Linear Regression / 00 - Various / xor_ann.gif has been created from the 10th video of the above mentioned playlist
Many thanks to @sandeco for all the free materials
FastAI's courses have been a big sources of inspiration, and extremly usefull materials, especially in my first days studying AI.
In particoular
- 002 - Linear Regression / 00 - Various / MINST_solo_con_tensori_no_ai.ipynb has been created from an excercise in the book Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch: AI Applications Without a PhD_ by Jeremy Howard and Sylvain Gugger
Many thanks to @fastai for all the free materials
LucidateAI on YouTube has been a great source of inspiration
In particoular
015 - Transformers / 00 - Various / transformer_attention.gif has been created from this video
015 - Transformers / 00 - Various / qkv_analogy.png has been created from this video
Many thanks for all the free materials