This documentation is intended for current and future Simpay Partners. Prior to implementation, it is necessary to define the service in the Partner Panel and wait for its activation directly from the operators.
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install run composer require simpaypl/simpay
Download the files and include autoload.php
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$configuration = new Configuration('your_api_key', 'your_api_password', 'en');
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => Configuration::API_BASE_URI,
$api = new Simpay\DirectBillingApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
try {
$result = $api->directBillingGetServices();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DirectBillingApi->directbillingGetServices: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All examples are in the examples directory.
All URIs are relative to
- Configuration
- DirectBillingApi
- DirectBillingCalculateApi
- DirectBillingTransactionApi
- HttpClientFactory
- PaymentApi
- SmsNumberApi
- SmsServiceApi
- SmsTransactionApi
- Amount
- AmountType
- Billing
- CallbackReturnUrl
- CartItem
- Channel
- ChannelType
- Control
- CreatePayment
- Currency
- Customer
- Description
- DirectBillingTransaction
- DirectBillingTransactionStatus
- DirectChannel
- Filters
- Operator
- PaymentTransactionId
- PhoneNumber
- Referer
- ServiceId
- ServiceNumber
- Shipping
- SmsCode
- SmsNumber
- SmsTransactionId
- StreamId
- Amount
- AmountType
- CallbackReturnUrl
- DirectBillingTransaction
- DirectBillingTransactionCollection
- DirectBillingTransactionList
- DirectBillingTransactionNotify
- Operator
- Pagination
- PaginationLinks
- PaymentChannel
- PaymentChannelCollection
- PaymentCreate
- PaymentService
- PaymentServiceCollection
- PaymentServiceTransaction
- PaymentServiceTransactionCollection
- PaymentServiceTransactionStatus
- PaymentServiceTransaction
- PaymentServiceTransactionAddress
- PaymentServiceTransactionAmount
- PaymentServiceTransactionCartItems
- PaymentServiceTransactionCustomer
- PaymentServiceTransactionRedirect
- Service
- ServiceCalculation
- ServiceCalculationOperatorAmount
- ServiceCollection
- ServiceNumber
- ServiceStatus
- ServiceType
- SmsNumber
- SmsNumberCollection
- SmsService
- SmsServiceCheckCodeData
- SmsServiceCollection
- SmsTransaction
- SmsTransactionCollection
- Simpay\Exception\ExceptionFactory
- Simpay\Exception\Forbidden
- Simpay\Exception\InternalServerError
- Simpay\Exception\NotFound
- Simpay\Exception\Unauthorized
- Simpay\Exception\Unknown
- Simpay\Exception\UnprocessableEntity
All the exceptions have the getErrors
method which returns an array of errors returned by the API.
To run the tests, use:
composer install
To build the Docker image:
make build
To run the Docker image:
make up
Enter the container (bash):
make bash
To run the tests:
make test
To run the linter:
make lint
- API version: