A collection of utilities and information to support the Sierra Wireless Octave Resource Protocol.
The Octave Resource Protocol (ORP) is a simple ASCII-based protocol which enables a remote asset (device) to interact with Octave by exchanging messages with an Octave-enabled edge device.
More information on ORP is provided on the Octave website. See: https://docs.octave.dev/docs/octave-resource-protocol
Client code and examples for communicating with an Octave device using the Octave Resource Protocol
A simple python command-line utilty which can be used to mimic an ORP client, for testing and demonstration.
Depends on:
- clients/python/modules/orp_protocol.py
- clients/python/modules/simple_hdlc.py
Tested on:
- Ubuntu 18.04: Python 2.7, 3.6
- Ubuntu 20.04: Python 2.7, 3.8
- Windows 10: Python 2.7, 3.8
Install Python 3.x
Install the following, using pip3:
> pip3 install six pythoncrc pyserial
$ sudo -H pip3 install six pythoncrc pyserial
python orp_test.py [-h] --dev DEV [--b BAUD] [--no-auto-ack]
DEV : serial port name or path (e.g. COM3 on Windows or /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux)
BAUD : baud rate (default 9600)
--no-auto-ack : option to disable automatic acknowledgement of sync and notification packets
For a list of supported commands, type "h" at the prompt
A simple binary command-line utilty which can be used to mimic an ORP client, for testing and demonstration.
Depends on:
- clients/c/src/*
- clients/c/inc/*
Tested on:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Install gcc (tested with ver 7, 9)
- cd clients/c
- make
./bin/orp -d DEV -b BAUD
DEV : serial port name or path (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0)
BAUD : baud rate (default 9600)
For a list of supported commands, type "h" at the prompt