Mobile Application being built in flutter & firebase for Microsoft Student Learn Chapter, TIET's flagship event - Makeathon5
This section provides all the details needed to start contributing to this project.
- Flutter & Android Studio installed in the system
Refer to this link
Make sure to run and test the sample app once to ensure that the everything is installed correctly
Any IDE Setup with flutter and dart (Vscode recommended)
Google Firebase Account
Firebase CLI Tools installed on the system
Fork the repository to your GitHub
clone using
git clone [repo link]
Open the project in your IDE
Initialise Firebase:
- Open your firebase console and create a new project
- Activate firebase using your terminal
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
- Run
flutterfire configure --project=[Project-ID]
from your project directory, (Replace [Project-ID] with the project ID from your firebase project or directly copy the command with the project ID from your Firebase console.) - If asked to select platforms for configuring Firebase, select only Android & IOS
flutter pub get
Your project is now all set-up in your local machine!!
- Tasks would be assigned in meetings and through the Issues section of the Repo.
- Make sure to reguraly check the Issues section and choose any open issue that you wish to work upon.
- Also make sure to read the guidelines given below before you start contributing!
- Make sure to do your work in the dev branch or any other branch. Never push directly to the main branch.
- Always test the final code on your emulator/device before pushing.
- Keep an eye that your pull request is passing the Build test in the Actions tab.
- Clearly name all the images and assets you are using and place them in the ./Assets folder.
- Try to break down long widget trees into separate files.
- If you face a 'Network Artifacts' error, try switching to a different network or use a VPN.
Best of Luck!!