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gams-mode 6.5

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@ShiroTakeda ShiroTakeda released this 16 Apr 09:15
· 150 commits to master since this release

GAMS mode version 6.5.

  • Modified gams-model-library so that it works under the recent versions of GAMS.

  • Added a new function gams-modlib-toggle-show-content to GAMS model library (GAMS-MODLIB) mode. You can see the model library in GAMS-MODLIB mode. In the previous gams-mode.el, GAMS-MODLIB mode shows the program code of models. In the new gams-mode.el, you can see the explanatory text of models like GAMSIDE. Added a customizable variable gams-modlib-show-code-p-default which changes the default behavior of gams-modlib-show-content.

  • Modified explanatory strings.

  • Modified gams-insert-statement-extended.

  • Modified gams-view-document so that you can see documents in recent versions of GAMS system. Added new variables gams-docs-url and gams-docs-view-old and modified the default value of gams-docs-view-program.

  • Changed GAMS mode icon for modeline.

  • Removed gams-auto-complete.el from GAMS mode package. gams-auto-complete.el is renamed to gams-ac.el and released as a separate package in gams-ac repository.