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FloatingLabel, onAutoCompleteTyping, footerActionsRenderer

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@Sharlaan Sharlaan released this 12 Oct 23:06
· 187 commits to master since this release

Added onMenuOpen, openImmediately
Added errorText, errorTextStyle, underlineErrorStyle
Added noMatchFoundStyle
Added onAutoCompleteTyping and FloatingLabel (CodeExample3)
Added loadingIndicator in CodeExample5 (Async Loading)
Added example with multiple action buttons in menu footer (CodeExample3)
Added styling example for FloatingLabel and Underline

Removed outdated flexbox polyfills (compatibity starts at IE11)

a few bug fixes due to dependencies updates

Breaking change:
Replaced menuCloseButton with footerActionsRenderer

Updated dependencies (React16!)

Known issue:
After menu opened, focus should go directly to searchField or first menu item, but it doesnot.
User have to hit some key to actually make this happen.