A guile module for xbindkeys that assists switching between multiple EVE Online clients within a X11 session and should be compatible with any X11 window manager.
Asside from xbindkeys
, the only dependency for XBindEVE is wmctrl
Simply download the xbindeve.scm
file to somewhere you can load it.
cd ~
wget https://github.com/shard/xbindeve/raw/master/xbindeve.scm
First you will need to create ~/.xbindkeysrc.scm
in your HOME folder if it doesn't exist and add the following:
(load "./xbindeve.scm") ; path to xbindeve.scm
(define eve-accounts '(
("Toon 1" "Toon 2")
("Toon 3"))) ; Your eve accounts, grouped by account
(eve-sync) ; sync the loaded clients
(xbindkey '(control "1") (eve-open 0)) ; Bind control + 1 to Toon 1 and Toon 2
(xbindkey '(control "2") (eve-open 1)) ; Bind control + 2 to Toon 3
Once added, reload your configuration with xbindkeys --poll-rc
and your configuration should now be active.
If you are having issues where XbindEVE goes inactive or refuses to reload it's configuration, the following command should restart xbindkeys:
killall xbindkeys && xbindkeys --poll-rc
If you are still having issues, you can try running in verbose mode with xbindkeys -v
which should give you a lot of debugging and error messages to work with. If you encounter an issue, feel free to open a new Issue.
needs to be ran more often than at xbindkeys initialisation, but shouldn't run before every switch- If a re-sync of clients is required, run
xbindkeys --poll-rc
to resolve the issue
- If a re-sync of clients is required, run
- Add throttling to
to ensure it doesn't run too quickly, leading to a crash - Add a function to auto-bind xbindkeys, making configuration simpler
- Will need to consider how to make it flexible for other configurations aside from CTRL + 1-9
- Better install instruction
- Get better at scheme
Feel free to create a new issue on GitHub if you are having issues installing, running or want to see a new feature added.