🚨 This project is still here for reference. Check out the tutorials on maintained in Keptn website repo 🚨
This repo has the scripts to provision and configure a Kubernetes cloud infrastructure and install Keptn, the open-source framework for event-based, automated continuous operations, as well as onboarding a micro service based order processing demo application into Keptn. The other repos in this GitHub organization contain the demo application source code. The purpose of this effort is for demonstrations of the Keptn platfor on various Kubernetes platforms.
Currently, Keptn 0.4.0 and these keptn-orders-setup scripts support only Google GKE and Azure AKS.
Branches within this repo are keep in sync with Keptn releases. Master branch is the latest fully regression tested. This branch tested for Keptn 0.4.0
This Demo is maintained by [email protected]. If you have questions or feedback, you can reach out to me.
Watch a video demo of the install and onboarding of Keptn Orders demo app on Amazon AKS - part1 and Part two
Much of this same information is in this readme, but here are two blogs that give an overivew the setup.
- On-boarding your custom application to Keptn on GKE — Part 1 of 2
- On-boarding your custom application to Keptn on AKS — Part 1 of 2
- On-boarding your custom application to Keptn— Part 2 of 2
There are 4 components, a front-end and 3 backend services. The front-end look like this.
Once monitored by Dynatrace, a multi-tier call flow will be available such as shown below.
Other details:
- This demo uses a Keptn Shipyard.yaml file that will deploy the application to three environment: dev, staging, and production.
- Demo app based on example from: https://github.com/ewolff/microservice-kubernetes
- Pre-requisites
- Bastion host setup
- Provision Cluster, Install Keptn, and onboard the Orders application
- Pre-built Docker Images
- Problem Scenarios
Table of Contents generated by this utility https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc
docker run -it vemonet/markdown-toc-generator https://github.com/keptn-orders/keptn-orders-setup/blob/master/README.md
- Dynatrace - Assumes you will use a trial SaaS dynatrace tenant and created a PaaS and API token. See how to setup you Dynatrace tokens and the permissions Keptn expects in the keptn docs
- GitHub - Assumes you have a github account and a personal access token with the persmissions keptn expects. Follow these instructions and ensure you have
scope added. You can also reference the keptn docs - Cloud provider account. Highly recommend to sign up for personal free trial as to have full admin rights and to not cause any issues with your enterprise account. Links to free trials
Keptn expects all the code repos and project files to be in the same GitHub Organization. So create a github new github organization for the keptn-orders for Keptn to use and for the keptn-orders application repos to be forked. See details in the github docs
Suggested gihub organization name: <your last name>-keptn-orders-<cloud provider>
for examaple jahn-keptn-orders-aks
NOTE: If the 'orders-project' repo already exists in your personal github org, there may be errors when you onboard again. So delete the repo if it exists.
The following set of tools are required by the installation scripts and interacting with the environment. The setup scripts will install these automatically on the bastion host, but below is a listing for reference.
All platforms
- keptn -Keptn CLI to manage Keptn projects
- jq - Json query utility to suport parsing
- yq - Yaml query utility to suport parsing
- hub - git utility to support command line forking
- kubectl - CLI to manage the cluster. This is required for all, but will use the installation instructions per each cloud provider
- bc - basic calculator utility using during validation within dynatrace install script
Google additional tools
- gcloud - CLI for Google Cloud
Azure additional tools
- az - CLI for Google Cloud
Amazon additional tools
- ekscli - CLI Provisioning EKS cluster
See these instructions for provisioning an ubuntu 16.04 LTS host on the targeted cloud provider. The setup scripts assume this version, so don't adjust this.
There are multiple scripts used for the setup and they must be run the right order. Just run the setup script that will prompt you with menu choices.
./setup.sh <deployment type>
NOTE: Valid 'deployment type' argument values are:
- gke = Google
- aks = Azure
- eks = Amazon
The setup menu should look like this:
1) Install Prerequisites Tools
2) Enter Installation Script Inputs
3) Provision Kubernetes cluster
4) Install Keptn
5) Install Dynatrace
6) Fork keptn-orders Repos
7) Onboard keptn-orders App to Keptn
8) Setup HA Proxy to Keptn Bridge
10) Validate Kubectl
11) Validate Prerequisite Tools
20) Show Orders App
21) Show Keptn
22) Show Dynatrace
30) Send Keptn Artifact Events
99) Delete Kubernetes cluster
Please enter your choice or <q> or <return> to exit
NOTE: each script will log the console output into the logs/
This will install the required unix tools such as kubectl, jq, cloud provider CLI.
At the end if the installation, the script will
- call the 'Validate Prerequisite Tools' script that will verify tools setup setup
- call the cloud provider CLI configure command that will prompt you for account and default values
NOTE: You can re-run both 'Install Prerequisites Tools' or 'Validate Prerequisite Tools' anytime as required.
Before you do this step, be prepared with your github credentials, dynatrace tokens, and cloud provider project information available.
This will prompt you for values that are referenced in the remaining setup scripts. Inputted values are stored in creds.json
file. For example on GKE the menus looks like:
Please enter the values for provider type: Google GKE:
Dynatrace Host Name (e.g. abc12345.live.dynatrace.com)
Dynatrace PaaS Token (current: DYNATRACE_PAAS_TOKEN_PLACEHOLDER) :
GitHub User Name (current: GITHUB_USER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) :
GitHub Personal Access Token (current: PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_PLACEHOLDER) :
GitHub User Email (current: GITHUB_USER_EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER) :
GitHub Organization (current: GITHUB_ORG_PLACEHOLDER) :
Google Project (current: GKE_PROJECT_PLACEHOLDER) :
Cluster Name (current: CLUSTER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) :
Cluster Zone (eg.us-east1-b) (current: CLUSTER_ZONE_PLACEHOLDER) :
Cluster Region (eg.us-east1) (current: CLUSTER_REGION_PLACEHOLDER) :
This will provision a Cluster on the specified cloud deployment type using the platforms CLI. This script will take several minutes to run and you can verify the cluster was created with the the cloud provider console.
The cluster will take 5-10 minutes to provision.
This script at the end will run the 'Validate Kubectl' script.
This will install the Keptn control plane components into your cluster. The install will take 5-10 minutes to perform.
NOTE: Internally, this script will perform the following:
- clone https://github.com/keptn/installer. This repo has the cred.sav templates for building a creds.json file that the keptn CLI can use as an argument
- use the values we already captured in the
script to create the creds.json file - run the
keptn install -c=creds.json --platform=<Cluster>
- run the 'Show Keptn' helper script
This will install the Dynatrace OneAgent Operator into your cluster. The install will take 3-5 minutes to perform.
NOTE: Internally, this script will perform the following:
- clone https://github.com/keptn/dynatrace-service. This repo has scripts for each platform to install the Dyntrace OneAgent Operator and the cred_dt.sav template for building a creds_dt.json file that the install script expects to read
- use the values we already captured in the
script to create the creds_dt.json file - run the
script in the dynatrace-service folder - run the 'Show Dynatrace' helper script
This will fork the keptn-orders application into the github organization you specified when you called 'Enter Installation Script Inputs' step.
Internally, this script will:
- delete and created a local respositories/ folder
- clone the orders application repositories
- use the
unix git utility to fork each repositories - push each keptn-orders repositories to your personal github organization
This script will onboard the orders application using the keptn
CLI tool and the keptn onboarding files found in the keptn-onboarding/
Internally, this script will:
- keptn create project
- keptn onboard service
You can verify the onbaording was complete by reviewing the 'orders-project' within your personal git org.
The keptn’s bridge provides an easy way to browse all events that are sent within keptn and to filter on a specific keptn context. When you access the keptn’s bridge, all keptn entry points will be listed in the left column. Please note that this list only represents the start of a deployment of a new artifact and, thus, more information on the executed steps can be revealed when you click on one event.
The keptn’s bridge is not publicly accessible, but can be retrieved using kubernetes port-forwarding using the kubectl port-forward
command. This script will install haproxy service on the bastion host, configure it with basic authentication, listen on port 80 and forward it to kubernetes listening on port 9000.
The script will output the kubectl port-forward
command to run as well as the URL to open in a browser to view the Keptn Bridge. I recommend making a second terminal window since the command runs in a continuous loop.a
Sample output:
Creating new /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Restarting haproxy
Start Keptn Bridge with this command:
while true; do kubectl port-forward svc/bridge -n keptn 9000:8080; done
View bridge @
Recommend using a seperate SSH terminal session since the kubectl port-forward
remains running.
This script will attempt to 'get pods' using kubectl.
This script will look for the existence of required prerequisite tools. It does NOT check for version just the existence of the script.
These scripts are helpful when using and reviewing status of your environment. Just run the helper script that will prompt you with menu choices.
Displays the deployed orders application pods and urls to access the application
Displays the Keptn pods and ingress gateway
Displays the Dynatrace pods
Keptn deployments start with a "new-artifact" event. This option will prompt you for which servier and version to send an artifact for. The script will call the keptn CLI send event command. This is an example of deploying version 1 for the front-end service.
Please enter the image version to send, example: 1
Images with skip will not send an event
frontend (default:skip) : 1
order service (default:skip) :
catalog service (default:skip) :
customer service (default:skip) :
Use the 'Show App' helper script to get the pod status and the URLs to the application.
Fastest way to remove everything is to delete your cluster using this script. Be careful when you run this as to not lose your work.
The keptn-orders application has pre-built problems programmed within different versions. See source in the keptn-orders repo. Each version for each service, has pre-built docker images that are published to docker hub.
This is a summary of the versions followed by a description of the problem scenarios.
Service | Branch/Docker Tag | Description |
front-end | 1 | Normal behavior |
catalog-service | 1 | Normal behavior |
customer-service | 1 | Normal behavior |
order-service | 1 | Normal behavior |
customer-service | 2 | High Response time for /customer/list.html |
order-service | 2 | 50% exception for /order/line URL and n+1 back-end calls for /order/form.html |
customer-service | 3 | Normal behavior |
order-service | 3 | Normal behavior |
# use the keptn cli to deploy new image
keptn send event new-artifact --project=orders-project --service=customer-service --image=robjahn/keptn-orders-customer-service --tag=2
# use the keptn cli to deploy new image
keptn send event new-artifact --project=orders-project --service=order-service --image=robjahn/keptn-orders-order-service --tag=2