To develop a single-page application featuring a map of your neighborhood or a neighborhood you would like to visit. Then add additional functionality to this application, including: map markers to identify popular locations or places you’d like to visit, a search function to easily discover these locations, and a listview to support simple browsing of all locations.
- Open latest Google Chrome on your PC.
- Click here to open Neighbourhood Map link :
- Click markers or list items to select a location and retrieve info about it.
- Use Dropdown menu to filter places based on different category (e.g Restaurant, Museum, Cafe).
- By default all marker will be displayed.
- Click green arrow on the top right of the navigation bar to hide/show Sidebar.
- Click close sign to close the information window that opens.
- All application components render on-screen in a responsive manner.
- All application components are usable across modern desktop, tablet, and phone browsers.
- Dropdown menu that filters the map markers and list items to locations matching the selection. Filter function runs error-free.
- A list-view of location names is provided which displays all locations by default on sidebar , and displays the filtered subset of locations when a filter is applied.
- Clicking a location on the list displays unique information about the location, and animates its associated map marker (e.g. bouncing, color change.)
- List functionality is responsive and runs error free.
- Map displays all location markers by default, and displays the filtered subset of location markers when a filter is applied.
- Clicking a marker displays unique information about a location in infoWindow.
- Markers will animate when clicked (e.g. bouncing, color change.)
- All data requests are retrieved in an asynchronous manner.
- First of all download ngrok.
- Then to install (On Windows OS), open the .rar file and extract the files from it to a separate folder save ngrok.exe in it and to run double click the ngrok.exe file.
- Then go to repo, clone or download the repository to your local computer to make change to your site for optimisation purpose.
- Open the folder of your local repo, and copy the ngrok.exe file in it.
- Now open bash from your current file location.And write following command to start the local server
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder
$> python -m http.server 8080 or python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
- Now double click to run ngrok.exe from local repo.
- Type following command to be online from ngrok cmd.
$> ./ngrok http 8080
- Now open the browser and type localhost
- It will provide you with two links, eg. and other,please use https link because it is more secure and safe.
- Through these link you can check the pagespeed by using your local server.