Official SDKs: Android | iOS | Javascript | PHP | Ruby
LUXSTACK Bitcoin Platform and SDKs — build, test and scale bitcoin apps faster. Plug in our powerful SDKs to supercharge your bitcoin toolbox.
- Setup a library package named com.luxstack.razrbit
- Copy all the sources in git repository src folder to src/com/luxstack/razrbit folder in the project folder
- Configure the package to depend on the library package org.java_websocket
(github path:
3.1 Mark the project of library package org.java_websocket as Library reference project in Android tab of Properties window, OR;
3.2 Add the following line in file of project to refer to project folder of library package org.java_websocket
The following code use MainActivity class as example.
import com.luxstack.razrbit.Razrbit;
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback, RazrbitWebSocketClient.FnRazrbitWebSocketClientCallback {
// initialize a Razrbit object by appId and appSecret
private Razrbit m_razrbit = new Razrbit("MyAppId", "MyAppSecret");
public void onDownloadFinished(List<NameValuePair> listNVPairResult) {
// This interface is compulsory for class using Razrbit object
// implements code to handle information returned upon Razrbit call in name value pair listNVPairResult
public void onDownloadFinishedString(String strResult) {
// This interface is compulsory for class using Razrbit object
// implements code to handle information returned upon Razrbit call in raw JSON format string strResult
public void onRazrbitPostError(String strResult) {
// This interface is compulsory for class using Razrbit object
// implements code to handle information returned in strResult upon Razrbit call results in error
public void onWebSocketClientMessage(String strMessage) {
// This interface is compulsory for class using Razrbit object
// implements code to handle information received from websocket opened in strMessage
// To get wallet balance
m_razrbit.walletGetBalanceFromAddress("MyAddress", this);
// To open a transaction stream Razrbit websocket
// To close the transaction stream Razrbit websocket
Razrbit(String strAppId, String strAppSecret)
void walletSendAmount(String strFromAddress, String strToAddress, String strAmount, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Sends bitcoin from one of your addresses to the destination addresses. amount
is in bits.
void walletGetBalanceFromAddress(String strAddress, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Returns the balance of the given address in bits.
void explorerBlock(String strBlockHash, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Retrieve details about a given block
void explorerTransaction(String strTransactionHash, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Retrieve details about a given transaction
void explorerAddress(String strAddress, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Retrieve details about a given address
void explorerAddressUnspentOutputs(String strAddress, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Returns the list of unspent outputs for a given address
void networkGetDifficulty(RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Retrieve the current network difficulty
void networkPushTransaction(String strTransaction, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Push a transaction on to the network
void marketsPrice(String strCurrencyCode, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
is a valid ISO 4217 code such as USD
or EUR
Returns the current bitcoin price
void marketsDayPrice(String strCurrencyCode, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Returns the day price in the specified currency
void marketsHistoricalPrice(String strCurrencyCode, String strDate, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Returns the historical bitcoin price for the given date.
must be a date in the yyyy-mm-dd
void notificationsAddress(String strAddress, String strEmail, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Setup a notification email for a given address
void notificationsBlock(String strBlockHash, String strEmail, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Setup a notification email for a given block
void notificationsTransaction(String strTransactionHash, String strEmail, RazrbitCallParams.FnRazrbitCallback callback)
Setup a notification email for a given transaction
Feel free to request a feature and make suggestions for our product team.
Code released under the MIT license.
Copyright 2012-2014 LUXSTACK Inc. Razrbit is a trademark maintained by LUXSTACK Inc.
- Android
- iOS
- Javascript
- Ruby