I wanted to learn what it took to do Web App with Django as Python is my primary programming language and I knew a little bit about HTML5/CSS. More than anything, I am trying to expand the areas that I understand.
Vector Calculator is a web app whose purpose is to calculate reactionary forces where simultaneous equations are necessary to solve. This can be done by an excel document (which I have done), but doing it in a web app was meant to make it more versatile.
Having an engineering minor, I dealt with reacionary forces all the time and having a web app that can help me with solving calculations makes it easier to solve engineering problems.
{Provide a link to your YouTube demonstration. It should be a 4-5 minute demo of the software running (starting the server and navigating through the web pages) and a walkthrough of the code.}
landing - This is merely the homepage of the website, making it so that you can navigate to the calculators (no dynamic pieces).
2 Equation Simultaneous Solver - The web app transitions from landing to this page via a relative url (that is controlled by the framework). It uses JavaScript to calculate for 2 unknowns via matricies (basic linear algebra concepts).
3 Equation Simultaneous Solver - The web app transitions from landing to this page via a relative url (that is controlled by the framework). It uses JavaScript to calculate for 3 unknowns via matricies (basic linear algebra concepts).
- django
- none
{Make a list of things that you need to fix, improve, and add in the future.}
- Add API support
- Use Python to run calculations
- Better CSS for homepage