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Ate committed Nov 30, 2022
1 parent d0997aa commit 2af8b98
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Showing 4 changed files with 497 additions and 0 deletions.
330 changes: 330 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
import ee
import sys
from datetime import date
import math, time

# initialize EE

def submitJob(item,mpl):

# set some ee.Model parameters
bands = ['VH_after0','VH_after1','VH_before0', 'VH_before1','VH_before2','VV_after0','VV_after1','VV_before0', 'VV_before1', 'VV_before2']
PROJECT = 'cipalawan';
MODEL_NAME = 'alerts';
VERSION_NAME = 'sarModelv18'

# Load the trained model and use it for prediction.
model = ee.Model.fromAiPlatformPredictor(
projectName= PROJECT,
modelName= MODEL_NAME,
version= VERSION_NAME,
inputTileSize= [128,128],
inputOverlapSize= [16,16],
proj= ee.Projection('EPSG:4326').atScale(10),
fixInputProj= True,
outputBands= {'landclass': {'type': ee.PixelType.float(),'dimensions': 1 }})

# Get the projection that is needed for the study area
projection = ee.Projection('EPSG:32650')

# Import Sentinel-1 Collection
s1 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD')\
.filter(ee.Filter.listContains('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', 'VH'))\
.filter(ee.Filter.listContains('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', 'VV'))\
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', MODE))\
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('instrumentMode', 'IW'))\

# get the image that hasnt been processed
img = ee.Image(s1.filter(ee.Filter.eq("system:index",item)).first())
# get the geometry
geom = img.geometry()
# get the properties
prop = img.toDictionary()
# get the name of the image
name = img.get("system:index").getInfo()
# get the timestamp
timeStamp = img.get("system:time_start")
date = ee.Date(timeStamp)

# filter for area of the image
s1Item = s1.filterBounds(geom)
# get the before images
beforeSeries = createSeriesBefore(s1Item,date.advance(-1,"days"))
# get the after image
afterSeries = createSeriesAfter(s1Item,date.advance(1,"days")).select(["VV_after1","VH_after1"])
# this is the current image
after =["VV","VH"],["VV_after0","VH_after0"])

# combine images into a single image
image = beforeSeries.addBands(after).addBands(afterSeries).unmask(0,False)
# convert to float for include_preprocessing
image =

# run the cnn
prediction = ee.Image(model.predictImage(image.toArray()).arrayFlatten([["landclass","other"]]).toFloat())
prediction ="landclass").multiply(100).toInt().clip(mpl)

# set the export location
outputName = "projects/cipalawan/assets/alertsv4/" + name

geom = geom.transform("EPSG:4326",0.01)
output = ee.Image(prediction).clip(geom)
output = clipEdge(output)
output = output.set(prop).set("system:time_start",timeStamp)

# create the export task
export_task = ee.batch.Export.image.toAsset(image=output, description="alerts "+ name, assetId=outputName,region=geom.getInfo()['coordinates'], maxPixels=1e13,scale=10 )
# run the export task

def createSeriesBefore(collection,date,iters=3,nday =12):

iterations = list(range(1,iters*nday,nday))
names = list(["_before{:01d}".format(x) for x in range(0,iters,1)])

def returnCollection(day,name):
start = ee.Date(date).advance(-day,"days").advance(-nday,"days")
end = ee.Date(date).advance(-day,"days")
bandNames = ["VV"+name,"VH"+name]
return ee.Image(collection.filterDate(start,end).mean())\

return toBands(ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(list(map(returnCollection,iterations,names))))

def createSeriesAfter(collection,date,iters=2,nday =12):

iterations = list(range(1,iters*nday,nday))
names = list(["_after{:01d}".format(x) for x in range(0,iters,1)])

def returnCollection(day,name):
start = ee.Date(date).advance(day,"days")
end = ee.Date(date).advance(day,"days").advance(nday,"days")
bandNames = ["VV"+name,"VH"+name]

return ee.Image(collection.filterDate(start,end).mean())\

return toBands(ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(list(map(returnCollection,iterations,names))))
# * Clips 5km edges

def erodeGeometry(image):
return image.clip(image.geometry().buffer(-1000))

def clipEdge(image):
return image.clip(image.geometry().buffer(-500))

def applySpeckleFilter(img):

vv ='VV')
vh ='VH')
vv = speckleFilter(vv).rename('VV');
vh = speckleFilter(vh).rename('VH');
return ee.Image(,vh).copyProperties(img,['system:time_start'])).clip(img.geometry()).copyProperties(img);

def speckleFilter(image):
""" apply the speckle filter """
ksize = 3
enl = 7;

geom = image.geometry()

# Convert image from dB to natural values
nat_img = toNatural(image);

# Square kernel, ksize should be odd (typically 3, 5 or 7)
weights = ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(1,ksize),ksize);

# ~~(ksize/2) does integer division in JavaScript
kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(ksize,ksize, weights, (ksize//2), (ksize//2), False);

# Get mean and variance
mean = nat_img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), kernel);
variance = nat_img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), kernel);

# "Pure speckle" threshold
ci = variance.sqrt().divide(mean);# square root of inverse of enl

# If ci <= cu, the kernel lies in a "pure speckle" area -> return simple mean
cu = 1.0/math.sqrt(enl);

# If cu < ci < cmax the kernel lies in the low textured speckle area
# -> return the filtered value
cmax = math.sqrt(2.0) * cu;

alpha = ee.Image(1.0 + cu*cu).divide(ci.multiply(ci).subtract(cu*cu));
b = alpha.subtract(enl + 1.0);
d = mean.multiply(mean).multiply(b).multiply(b).add(alpha.multiply(mean).multiply(nat_img).multiply(4.0*enl));
f = b.multiply(mean).add(d.sqrt()).divide(alpha.multiply(2.0));

# If ci > cmax do not filter at all (i.e. we don't do anything, other then masking)
# Compose a 3 band image with the mean filtered "pure speckle",
# the "low textured" filtered and the unfiltered portions
out =,toDB(f.updateMask(,image.updateMask(ci.gte(cmax)));

return out.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).clip(geom);

def toNatural(img):
"""Function to convert from dB to natural"""
return ee.Image(10.0).pow(;

def toDB(img):
""" Function to convert from natural to dB """
return ee.Image(img).log10().multiply(10.0);

def toBands(collection):

def createStack(img,prev):
return ee.Image(prev).addBands(img)

stack = ee.Image(collection.iterate(createStack,ee.Image(1)))
stack =, stack.bandNames().size().subtract(1)));
return stack;

# Implementation by Andreas Vollrath (ESA), inspired by Johannes Reiche (Wageningen)
def terrainCorrection(image):
date = ee.Date(image.get('system:time_start'))
imgGeom = image.geometry()
srtm = ee.Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003').clip(imgGeom) # 30m srtm
sigma0Pow = ee.Image.constant(10).pow(image.divide(10.0))

#Article ( numbers relate to chapters)
#2.1.1 Radar geometry
theta_i ='angle')
phi_i = ee.Terrain.aspect(theta_i).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), theta_i.get('system:footprint'), 1000).get('aspect')

#2.1.2 Terrain geometry
alpha_s = ee.Terrain.slope(srtm).select('slope')
phi_s = ee.Terrain.aspect(srtm).select('aspect')

# 2.1.3 Model geometry
# reduce to 3 angle
phi_r = ee.Image.constant(phi_i).subtract(phi_s)

#convert all to radians
phi_rRad = phi_r.multiply(math.pi / 180)
alpha_sRad = alpha_s.multiply(math.pi / 180)
theta_iRad = theta_i.multiply(math.pi / 180)
ninetyRad = ee.Image.constant(90).multiply(math.pi / 180)

# slope steepness in range (eq. 2)
alpha_r = (alpha_sRad.tan().multiply(phi_rRad.cos())).atan()

# slope steepness in azimuth (eq 3)
alpha_az = (alpha_sRad.tan().multiply(phi_rRad.sin())).atan()

# local incidence angle (eq. 4)
theta_lia = (alpha_az.cos().multiply((theta_iRad.subtract(alpha_r)).cos())).acos()
theta_liaDeg = theta_lia.multiply(180 / math.pi)

# 2.2
# Gamma_nought_flat
gamma0 = sigma0Pow.divide(theta_iRad.cos())
gamma0dB = ee.Image.constant(10).multiply(gamma0.log10())
ratio_1 ='VV').subtract('VH'))

# Volumetric Model
nominator = (ninetyRad.subtract(theta_iRad).add(alpha_r)).tan()
denominator = (ninetyRad.subtract(theta_iRad)).tan()
volModel = (nominator.divide(denominator)).abs()

# apply model
gamma0_Volume = gamma0.divide(volModel)
gamma0_VolumeDB = ee.Image.constant(10).multiply(gamma0_Volume.log10())

# we add a layover/shadow maskto the original implmentation
# layover, where slope > radar viewing angle
alpha_rDeg = alpha_r.multiply(180 / math.pi)
layover =;

# shadow where LIA > 90
shadow =

# calculate the ratio for RGB vis
ratio ='VV').subtract('VH'))

output = gamma0_VolumeDB.addBands(ratio).addBands(alpha_r).addBands(phi_s).addBands(theta_iRad)\

return['VV', 'VH'], ['VV', 'VH']).set("system:time_start",date).clip(imgGeom ).copyProperties(image)

# add the ratio band to the image
def addRatio(img):
geom = img.geometry()
vv = toNatural(['VV'])).rename(['VV']);
vh = toNatural(['VH'])).rename(['VH']);
ratio = vh.divide(vv).rename(['ratio']);
return ee.Image(,vh,ratio).copyProperties(img,['system:time_start'])).clip(geom).copyProperties(img);

# import the administrative boundaries
WDPAareas = ee.FeatureCollection("WCMC/WDPA/current/polygons");
mpl = WDPAareas.filter(ee.Filter.eq("ORIG_NAME","Mt. Mantalingahan Protected Landscape")).geometry().buffer(1000);
mpl= ee.FeatureCollection("projects/cipalawan/assets/palawanIsland").geometry().buffer(1000);

# we only have descening imagery

region = mpl

# Declare start and end period
cdate =
start = "2022-10-01"
end = "2022-11-15"

s1Collection = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S1_GRD").filterDate(start,end)\
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', MODE))\

gplCollection = ee.ImageCollection("projects/cipalawan/assets/alertsv4").aggregate_histogram("system:index").getInfo()

# add s1 filenames in colelction to two different lists
s1List1 = []
s1List2 = []
for item in s1Collection:

# add the processed imagery to a list
gplList = []
for item in gplCollection:

# remove images that have already been processed from the list
for x in s1List1:
for z in gplList:
if x == z:

# process imagery that has not been processed
for item in s1List2:
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import ee, os
import subprocess
import datetime


def system_call(command):
p = subprocess.Popen([command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True,text=True)

batcmd="earthengine ls projects/cipalawan/assets/palawanAlerts/"

result = system_call(batcmd).split("\n")

ft = ee.FeatureCollection(result[0])

for i in range(1,len(result),1):
if len(result[i]) > 0:
fc = ee.FeatureCollection(result[i])
ft = ft.merge(fc)

# get the date for today
date =
year = date.year
month = date.month
day =
name = str(year)+str(month)+str(day)

# create the export task
exportTask = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(collection= ee.FeatureCollection(ft),description= name,assetId="projects/cipalawan/assets/palawanAlerts/alerts_"+name)
# run the export task
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import os, subprocess

output = subprocess.check_output("earthengine ls projects/cipalawan/assets/alertsv4",shell=True)

myList = output.decode('utf8').split("\n")

counter = 0
for items in myList:
myName = items.split("/")[4]
year = myName[17:21]
month = myName[21:23]
day = myName[23:25]
#print(items, counter, year, month, day)

time = str(year) + "-" + str(month) + "-" + str(day) + "T00:00:00"
os.system("earthengine asset set --time_start " + time + " " + items)

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