I'm going to leave it up in case it helps people build Alexa list skills, but the Zenkit sync is no longer functioning. Zenkit has made several undocumented breaking changes over the last year and I'm not interested in spending the time fixing it only to have it break again.
Unofficial Zenkit Alexa List Sync Skill
The is an unofficial skill meaning it should only be used for personal usage. This project does not have any affiliations with Zenkit or Amazon.
This skill provides Alexa list synchronization with todo.zenkit.com lists.
Zenkit is an end-to-end task managment/organization tool with tons of features and customizations so you can organize things the way you want them.
The skill supports the following:
- You can use the native Alexa list commands to add new and remove elements to your Zenkit To-Do lists. There is no need to invoke the skill first.
- Any list in Alexa is created and synced with a Zenkit list with the same name. If a list is availabe in Alexa but not Zenkit To-do, then the list is created in Zenkit To-do.
- Any item added to an Alexa List is immediately added to Zenkit.
- Any item added to a Zenkit list is synced to Alexa within 30 min.
- The Alexa To-Do list will sync with the Zenkit Inbox by default, but if you have a Zenkit list with 'to-do' in the title (eg 'Shared To-Do list', 'to-do list'), it will sync with that one instead.
Visit https://todo.zenkit.com to download the app and get started!
For issues/General queries/Feature requests or to just say thanks, please use the github issues below:
Special thanks to @jsetton for creating the ourGrocieries Alexa sync that this skill is based off of - https://github.com/jsetton/alexa-ourgroceries-sync