This release contains the following features:
- directory mirroring capability
- keeps directory tree structure, but no content is in the files
- can either copy whole directory tree or save filepaths in a csv
- can copy directory either from csv (created from mirroring) or from actual directory
- output can be a full directory structure or a csv of file paths and names
- Types of files to filter by:
- audio clan files (.cha and .cex)
- newclan_merged_final
- final
- newclan_merged
- silences
- basic audio files (.csv)
- video datavyu files (.opf)
- final
- consensus
- basic video files (.csv)
- silence (.txt)
- lena5min (.csv)
- video (.mp4)
- audio (.wav)
- scrubbed
- unscrubbed
- write your own regex
- audio clan files (.cha and .cex)
- Can filter by month
- Can choose which subjects to copy