FIX: Detected bulk mode status update from DocumentBulkUpdateListener #384
FIX: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'parent' of PsiHelper.getNthChildOfType must not be null #372
FIX: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'element' of PsiHelper.getSiblingOfType must not be null #375
FIX: Cannot invoke "Document.getText()" because "document" is null #388
FIX: Cannot invoke "PsiFile.getProject()" because the return value of "CsvPsiTreeUpdater.getPsiFile()" is null #378
FIX: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'replacement' of CsvPsiTreeUpdater$ReplacePsiAction. must not be null #380
FIX: provide project parameter for opening link
FIX: Cannot invoke "Document.insertString(int, java.lang.CharSequence)" because "document" is null #386
FIX: first extension sanity check