Welcome to Star Wars Dogfighter
Please read below for a short game description, how to run the demo version and player controls.
This is a game I wanted to do for some time. It's a classic 2D, top-down shooter with where the player shoots down enemy ships while being supported by ally ships. I had a lot of fun working on this game, and hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it!
Please feel free to try it out on your computer, and contact me at below email to leave some feedback!
Download the game files by selectig by downloading the .zip file from the release section of the repo:
After extracting the files, run the game by double clicking the executable file like below.
To toggle sound on/off, press the S
To pause/unpause the game, press the Esc
To end the game, either
- click on the "x" in the top right corner of the pygame window.
- Pressing the
key, then pressing the Q` key
To accelerate/deccelarate, press the ARROW UP
To turn left/right, press the ARROW LEFT
To fire laser cannons, press the SPACEBAR
To toggle between single/dual/all laser fire modes, press the F