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How to install a mod

SebRut edited this page Dec 27, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. Start the Manager
  2. Open your Dota 2 directory. Inside this you'll find a /mods folder. Open it.
  3. Create a new folder for your mod.
  4. Extract the dirs from your mod zip to this folder. The mod should show up in the manager.
  5. Select the mod in the toolkit and click "Edit". A new window will open wher you can edit some basic info.
  6. Rightclick the directory bindings and select "Add". In the following dialog you specify which dir from your mod correspondants with which dir in the dota files.
  7. Hit "Save", "Save" and "Close" (optional)
  8. Check you mod and click "install" to perm install or "one-time start" for testing it.
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