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Web app to keep track of all kroegen you've been to.

System requirements


Install pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

The Rust formatter rustfmt has unstable features enabled, therefore the nightly toolchain is required to run it.

rustup toolchain install nightly


In order to run the webserver, you will need to have the postgres database setup and have the imgproxy service running. Both can be started using docker-compose:

docker compose up db imgproxy -d

You will need to manually create the webapp database in Postgres the first time:

docker compose exec db psql -U postgres

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE webapp;

Diesel cli is needed to generate new database migrations:

cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:example@localhost/webapp
diesel setup

All database migrations are applied automatically on webserver start.

cd backend/
cargo run

Next up is creating the local default user, the request to create this user can be found in backend/requests/session.http.

Then you'll have to upgrade this account to an admin:

docker compose exec db psql -U postgres -d webapp
webapp=# UPDATE users SET role = 'admin' WHERE id = '1';


Use the export-schemas binary to generate JsonSchema types for use in frontend:

cd backend/
cargo build --bin export-schemas

Build the frontend:

cd frontend/
npm run schemas
npm run build


There are some pending improvements for the local setup, like making the dev server usable using npm run dev and not hardcoding the api url in frontend/src/api/base.ts

Future work


  • Password recovery
  • Improve data pipeline, there are still some kroegen missing due to them being marked as restaurants in the dataset from Gemeente Amsterdam.
  • Search for a bar, simple filters for finding a bar
  • CSRF on POST requests
  • Show errors in the UI using toast notifications


  • The api never returns a 404, it will always fall back to the 200.html page
    • Example: curl http://localhost:8080/session/doesnotexist

General Improvements

  • Improve local setup, setting up initial dataset and a working frontend development server
  • Use Forms for data input instead of Json<T> in order to use the FromForm request guards
  • Add "updated_at", "created_at" fields to all tables
  • Use rocket_okapi to generate OpenAPI spec of the api