The OpenCV2 HOG cascade ported for OpenCV3
This contains the OpenCV2.x implementation for the HOG cascade. I just copied the needed sources and made extra classes out of it. With this its possible to use HOG trained cascade models in OpenCV3.x.
You can build a library out of it or add it directly into your code.
I couldn't add it properly to the Classifier and Evaluator Framework so it contains extra classes:
- cv::HOGCascadeClassifier (Its basically the same as CascadeClassifier, but just for HOGEvaluators)
- cv::HOGEvaluator (The Evaluator, it does not inherit from FeatureEvaluator, but it could somehow I guess)
To use it somehow like the original CascadeClassifier I use it like this:
cv::CascadeClassifier classifier;
cv::HOGCascadeClassifier hogclassifier;
// must check for HOG first, because OpenCV3 will throw an error otherwise
throw exception("Could not read file");
You may build a library out of it with something like (on linux):
g++ -std=c++11 -fPIC -c -o hogcascade.o hogcascade.cpp
g++ -shared -Wl,--no-undefined -o hogcascade.o -lopencv_core -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_imgproc
This is under the same Licence as OpenCV (well because it is from OpenCV), see LICENCE for more info.