Bluetooth SPP based control app
The application uses HC-06 or HC-05 BT module and communicates with Arduino. There are two different UIs of communicating with Arduino:
- Arduino Ctrl
- Joystick
In Arduino Ctrl, we simply send a byte of data to Arduino. This may be a simplistic way to send commands to Arduino.
In second Joystick mode, the coordinates of a virtual joystick is sent to Arduino. This will help us build an Arduino controlled robot. Just like a joystick, there are 4 buttons. The intent of these 4 buttons is to control 2 servo motors.
This program uses
- Adafruit Motor Shield V1
- An HC-06 BT module. The HC-06 BT modules connects to A0 and A1 pins on Arduino UNO R3
- Arduino
The Android device and the Arduino Robot use a 1 byte message for command and control.
bit 7: Joystick or Buttons 0:joystick, 1 button
if joystick:
bit 5-4: y coords move straight
bit 3-2: x coords speed decreese for left wheel
bit 1-0: x coords speed decreese for right wheel
if button:
bit 0: U/F
bit 1: D/B
bit 2: L
bit 3: R