ClashHax is a clash of clans discord bot. This bot get in-game information in a user friendly way
Invite Link:
Support Server:
Some commands that you can use
!prefix • Changes the prefix of the server to the new prefix
!link • Links a clash of clans account to your discord account
!link_help • Gives specific information on how to use the link command
!profile • Gives all your clash of clan accounts linked to your discord
!change_active • Use this command to switch your active clash of clans account
!player • Gives your in-game player information
!player • Gives in-game player information of the provided player tag
!clan • Gives your in-game clan information
!clan • Gives in-game clan information of the provided clan tag
!dono_board • Gives donations and requests of all members in your clan
!dono_board • Gives donations and requests of all members in the provided clan tag
!dono • The bot will give a top 'number' list of the best donors in your clan
!dono • The bot will give a top 'number' list of the best donors of the provided clan tag
!unlink • Unlinks your active clash of clans account from this discord account
!invite • Gets invite link for the bot