The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global game changer, affecting every aspect of our lives.
The pandemic has highlighted the need for greater investment in healthcare systems,
and has forced people around the world to change the way they live their daily lives.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, data analysis has become a crucial tool for understanding the spread and impact of the virus.
The purpose of these SQL queries is to provide insights into various aspects of this pandemic.
Out of the 150,574,977 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, 3,180,206 people have died from the virus.Out of the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide, which has reached 150,574,977, the death percentage is 2.11%. In other words, for every 100 people who contracted the virus, an average of 2 of them lost their lives.
using open-source data from the "Our World in Data".
Data time: From 01-Jan-2020 to 30-Apr-2021.
Link to dataset:
calculates the percentage of deaths among confirmed cases in Romania, ordered by location and date.
calculates the percentage of the population in each location that has contracted COVID-19, ordered by location and date.
identifies countries with the highest infection rate compared to their population, ordered by the percentage of the population infected.
identifies countries with the highest death count per population, ordered by total death count.
groups total death counts by continent, ordered by total death count.
identifies the continent with the highest death count per population, ordered by total death count.
identifies the total number of cases and deaths, as well as the death percentage globally. It groups the total cases and deaths by date.
combines COVID-19 death and vaccination data to compare the total population to the number of people vaccinated, ordered by location and date.
creates a view of the data to create visualizations based on the data.