Tic-tac-toe is a game which will run on the all android mobiles. It is a basic game. Tic-tac-toe is developed for fun purpose only.
Tic-tac-toe has only one activity i.e. Main Activity in which marks of both the users will be displayed and also there are two buttons will be appear when either one player will win the game or the match will be drawn.
Restart Button- By clicking on the restart button, user will be able to restart the game and also it will increase the score of the user if any one of the two users will win. Exit Button- By clicking on the exit button, the game will be quitted and scores will be reset to 0 scores.
Status bar is just a text view which will display the status of the game like which player's turn or which player is winning etc.
There will be score board which will store the scores of both the players. The scores will be incremented by 1 after winning a game.