##Autores: Luis Santiago Mille fregoso A01169067
August 2018
Compiling and running Instructions
- In order to compile the project it is only necessary to run the already made executable called "make" as such: ./make This will execute the necessary commands to compile both the scanner (flex) and the parser(bison).
NOTE: It is necessary that the 'make.c' file and the executable 'make' are in the same folder as the flex and bison files (.l and .y files)
- In order to run and test the program one must open a terminal in the same folder where the flex, the bison, and the make file are. Then in the terminal one should execute the compiler as: ./compiler < file.txt
2.1. file.txt is the input file (change file.txt to the name and extension of the desired input file)
Sample runs:
Evidence1.png: Sample run using test1.txt as input, this file is correct and the scanner and parser doesn't send any errors.
Evidence2.png: Sample run using test2.txt as input, this file is correct and the scanner and parser doesn't send any errors.
Evidence3.png: Sample run using test2.txt as input, this file is incorrect in line 65 where the else should have {brackets}. The parser recognizes this error and displays the line where it found it.
Evidence4.png: Sample run using test2.txt as input, this file is incorrect in line 18 where there is only a type declaration but without the identification nor the semicolon. The parser recognizes this error and displays the line where it found it.