A place where you can find all the answers related to your environment concerns.
View live deployment at https://localhost:8000
Install PIP in your local system.
If not then follow these commands
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
Fork / Download this respository to you local computer.
After Forking, create a new folder in you local computer Then type the following commands
git init
git clone https://github.com/SanchitMahajan236/EcoIN.git
Directly download the repository
VirtualEnvironment is suggested. So incase if you dont have a virtual environment
pip install virtualenvwrapper
Now create a new virtual environment.
In this case I am calling my virtual environment as VirtualEnv
python -m venv VirtualEnv
If you already have an existing virtual environment then activate it by
Now install the requirements (this is a one time command, no need to run this again).
pip install -r requirements.txt
If there is any issue in above step, try the following command to install pillow, and rerun the above command
python -m pip install pillow
Navigate to the directory which has manage.py
in it.
In this case it is in backend
i.e .../EcoIn/backend
then type
python manage.py runserver
You can view the website at
localhost:8000 or