#include<conio.h> #include #include using namespace std;
/* Mini Project - ATM -> Check Balance -> Cash withdraw -> User Details -> Update Mobile No. */
class atm // class atm { private: // private member varibles long int account_No; string name; int PIN; double balance; string mobile_No;
public: // public member functions
// setData function is setting the Data into the private member variables
void setData(long int account_No_a, string name_a, int PIN_a, double balance_a, string mobile_No_a)
account_No = account_No_a; // assigning the formal arguments to the private member var's
name = name_a;
PIN = PIN_a;
balance = balance_a;
mobile_No = mobile_No_a;
//getAccountNo function is returning the user's account no.
long int getAccountNo()
return account_No;
//getName function is returning the user's Name
string getName()
return name;
//getPIN function is returning the user's PIN
int getPIN()
return PIN;
//getBalance is returning the user's Bank Balance
double getBalance()
return balance;
//getMobileNo is returning the user's Mobile No.
string getMobileNo()
return mobile_No;
//setMobile function is Updating the user mobile no
void setMobile(string mob_prev, string mob_new)
if (mob_prev == mobile_No) // it will check old Mobile no
mobile_No = mob_new; // and Update with new, if old matches
cout << endl << "Sucessfully Updated Mobile no.";
_getch(); //getch is to hold the screen ( untill user press any key )
else // Does not update if old mobile no. does not matches
cout << endl << "Incorrect !!! Old Mobile no";
_getch(); //getch is to hold the screen ( untill user press any key )
//cashWithDraw function is used to withdraw money from ATM
void cashWithDraw(int amount_a)
if (amount_a > 0 && amount_a < balance) // check entered amount validity
balance -= amount_a; // balance = balance - amount_a
cout << endl << "Please Collect Your Cash";
cout << endl << "Available Balance :" << balance;
_getch(); //getch is to hold the screen(untill user press any key )
cout << endl << "Invalid Input or Insufficient Balance";
_getch(); //getch is to hold the screen ( untill user press any key )
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { int choice = 0, enterPIN; //enterPIN and enterAccountNo. ---> user authentication long int enterAccountNo;
// created User ( object )
atm user1;
// Set User Details ( into object ) ( Setting Default Data )
user1.setData(1234567, "Tim", 1111, 45000.90, "9087654321");
cout << endl << "****Welcome to ATM*****" << endl;
cout << endl << "Enter Your Account No "; // asking user to enter account no
cin >> enterAccountNo;
cout << endl << "Enter PIN "; // asking user to enter PIN
cin >> enterPIN;
// check whether enter values matches with user details
if ((enterAccountNo == user1.getAccountNo()) && (enterPIN == user1.getPIN()))
int amount = 0;
string oldMobileNo, newMobileNo;
// user Interface
cout << endl << "**** Welcome to ATM *****" << endl;
cout << endl << "Select Options ";
cout << endl << "1. Check Balance";
cout << endl << "2. Cash withdraw";
cout << endl << "3. Show User Details";
cout << endl << "4. Update Mobile no.";
cout << endl << "5. Exit" << endl;
cin >> choice; // taking user choice
switch (choice) // switch condition
case 1: // if user presses 1
cout << endl << "Your Bank balance is :" << user1.getBalance();
// getBalance is ... printing the users bank balance
case 2: // if user presses 2
cout << endl << "Enter the amount :";
cin >> amount;
user1.cashWithDraw(amount); // calling cashWithdraw function
// passing the withdraw amount
case 3: // if user presses 3
cout << endl << "*** User Details are :- ";
cout << endl << "-> Account no" << user1.getAccountNo();
cout << endl << "-> Name " << user1.getName();
cout << endl << "-> Balance " << user1.getBalance();
cout << endl << "-> Mobile No." << user1.getMobileNo();
// getting and printing user details
case 4: // if user presses 4
cout << endl << "Enter Old Mobile No. ";
cin >> oldMobileNo; // take old mobile no
cout << endl << "Enter New Mobile No. ";
cin >> newMobileNo; // take new mobile no
user1.setMobile(oldMobileNo, newMobileNo); // now set new mobile no
// if user presses 5
case 5:
exit(0); // exit application
default: // handle invalid user inputs
cout << endl << "Enter Valid Data !!!";
} while (1); // MENU // condition will always TRUE and loop is capable of running infinite times
cout << endl << "User Details are Invalid !!! ";
} while (1); //LOGIN // condition will always TRUE and loop is capable of running infinite times
return 0;