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Server for Whirlpool by Samourai-Wallet.




RPC client

server.rpc-client.protocol = http = CONFIGURE-ME
server.rpc-client.port = CONFIGURE-ME
server.rpc-client.user = CONFIGURE-ME
server.rpc-client.password = CONFIGURE-ME

The bitcoin node should be running on the same network (main or test).
The node will be used to verify UTXO and broadcast tx.

Pool: UTXO amounts

server.pools[x].denomination: amount in satoshis
server.pools[x].miner-fee-min: minimum miner-fee accepted for mustMix
server.pools[x].miner-fee-max: maximum miner-fee accepted for mustMix
server.pools[x].miner-fee-cap: "soft cap" miner-fee recommended for a new mustMix (should be <= miner-fee-max)

UTXO should be founded with:
for mustMix: (server.mix.denomination + server.mix.miner-fee-min) to (server.mix.denomination + server.mix.miner-fee-max)
for liquidities: (server.mix.denomination) to (server.mix.denomination + server.mix.miner-fee-max)

Pool: TX0 fees

server.pools[x].fee-value: server fee (in satoshis) for each tx0
server.pools[x].fee-accept: alternate fee values accepted (key=fee in sats, value=maxTx0Time)

Standard fee configuration is through fee-value. fee-accept is useful when changing fee-value, to still accept unspent tx0s <= maxTx0Time with previous fee-value.

UTXO confirmations

server.register-input.min-confirmations-must-mix: minimum confirmations for mustMix inputs
server.register-input.min-confirmations-liquidity: minimum confirmations for liquidity inputs
server.register-input.liquidity-interval = 10: liquidities are added by batch at this frequency

UTXO rules

server.register-input.max-inputs-same-hash: max inputs with same hash (same origin tx) allowed to register to a mix
server.register-input.max-inputs-same-user-hash: max inputs with same user-hash (same mixing client) allowed to register to a mix


server.samourai-fees.scodes[foo].payload = 12345
server.samourai-fees.scodes[foo].fee-value-percent = 50
server.samourai-fees.scodes[foo].expiration = 1569484078 # optional

server.samourai-fees.scodes[bar].payload = 23456
server.samourai-fees.scodes[bar].fee-value-percent = 0

SCodes are special codes usable to enable special rules for tx0. Each SCode is mapped to a short value payload (-32,768 to 32,767) which will be embedded into tx0's OP_RETURN as WhirlpoolFeeData.feePayload. Payload '0' is forbidden, which is mapped to WhirlpoolFeeData.feePayload=NULL. SCode overrides standard fee-value with a percent of this value. SCode can expire for tx0s confirmed after a specified time.

Pool: Mix limits

server.pools[x].anonymity-set = 5
server.pools[x].must-mix-min = 1
server.pools[x].liquidity-min = 1
server.pools[x].miner-fee-mix = 510 # miner fee (sats) to accumulate before adding liquidities

Mix will start when anonymity-set (mustMix + liquidities) are registered.

At the beginning of the mix, only mustMix can register up, to anonymity-set - liquidity-min. Meanwhile, liquidities are placed on a waiting pool.
Liquidities are added as soon as must-mix-min and miner-fee-mix are reached, up to anonymity-set inputs for the mix.


Mixs are exported to a CSV file:

Activity is exported to a CSV file:


server.rpc-client.mock-tx-broadcast = false
server.test-mode = false

For testing purpose, server.rpc-client.mock-tx-broadcast can be enabled to mock txs instead of broadcasting it. When enabled, server.test-mode allows client to bypass tx0 checks.

java -jar target/whirlpool-server-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar --debug,/path/to/
