After implementing functions in mems.h follow the below steps to run example.c file
$ make
$ ./example
- For every Subchain in the free list print the data as follows
MAIN[starting_mems_vitual_address:ending_mems_vitual_address] -> <HOLE or PROCESS>[starting_mems_vitual_address:ending_mems_vitual_address] <-> ..... <-> NULL
- After printing the whole freelist print the following stats
Page used: <Total Pages used by the user>
Space unused: <Total space mapped but not used by user>
Main Chain Length: <Length of the main chain>
Sub-chain Length array: <Array denoting the length of the subchains>
- Analyse the output of the example.c file below to get a better understanding of the output
PAGE_SIZE= 4096 Bytes
Starting MeMS Virtual Address= 1000