To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
JVParallax is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "JVParallax"
Import the file JVParallaxView.swift in your project. And for easier use import also the JVScrollViewParallaxBehavior.swift.
Sali0m, [email protected]
JVParallax is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
JVParallax is a simple way of parallaxing any type of View.
You can setup the ParallaxView
in you interfaceBuilder file by creating a view and setting it as a ParallaxView
, then setting the view you want to have the parallax effect inside that ParallaxView
. Don't forget to link the view you want to have the effect to the parallaxView under the viewToParallax
You can also create your ParallaxView
in code and set everything in code.
Once you did setup your ParallaxView
all you need next is to calculate a percentage from 0 to 1 of the parallaxValue and set it at the value
property of your ParallaxView
. Perform the calculation in the viewDidScroll of you UIScrollView
or any other moving callback (in case you want to do it with touches event instead of UIScrollView
As of UIScrollView
there is the JVScrollViewParallaxBehavior.swift to help you out with it. See below for more information.
Any UILayoutConstraint
you set on the viewToParallax
property will be removed and replaced by ParallaxView
You can use this file to help you out when calculating the percentage of parallax value.
You can setup the behavior by importing it in your interfaceBuilder file as an Object and setting it as a JVScrollViewParallaxBehavior
. Then you need to bind the scrollView
property to the scrollView containing the ParallaxView
. You also need to bind all the ParallaxView
you wish to have the effect inside that scrollView.
You can set the Behavior as the delegate of your scrollView if you don't need the callbacks, or you can simply pass it along yourself like so.
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
To do so you'll need to bind the behavior to your ViewController containing the scrollView. With all this you should be set to start.
For more information check out the project and run it.