REQRequest is Rabbitmq Exchange Queue Request. This library is not only bound to exchanges, queues, but you can define parameters of policy of federation, shovel etc. and it is based on Rabbitmq v3.3.4 HTTP.
composer require sahil-gulati/reqrequest
"require": {
"sahil-gulati/reqrequest": "^1.0"
use REQRequest\Rabbitmq;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$request= new Rabbitmq();
Method Name | Alias | Description |
getQueues($vhost) | listQueues(...) | To get the list of queues in all vhosts or in a given vhost. |
getExchanges($vhost) | listExchanges(...) | To get the list of exchanges in all vhosts or in a given vhost. |
getVHosts() | listVHosts() | To get the list of vhosts |
getPolicies($vhost) | listPolicies(...) | To get the list of all policies in the given vhost |
getParameters($component) | listParameters(...) | To get list of all parameters present for a given component |
getBindings($vhost) | listBindings(...) | To get list of all bindings |
createQueue($queueName,$durable,$autoDelete) | makeQueue(...) | To create a queue with given parameters |
createExchange($exchangeName,$type,$durable,$autoDelete) | makeExchange(...) | To create an exchange with given parameters |
createPolicy($vhost,$name,$pattern,$definition,$priority,$applyTo) | setPolicy(...) | Creates a policy in a given virtual host. |
createUserPermissions($vhost,$username,$configRegex,...) | unsetUserPermissions(...), removeUserPermissions(...) |
To create a user permission with speciifed parameters. |
deleteQueue($queueName) | removeQueue(...) | To remove a specified queue |
deleteExchange($exchangeName) | removeExchange(...) | TO remove an specified exchange |
deletePolicy($vhost,$name) | removePolicy(...) | To remove a policy with specified vhost and policy name |
deleteUser($username) | removeUser(...) | To remove a specified user |
purgeQueue($queueName) | Purge's a given queue. | |
getMessage($vhost,$queueName,$redeliver,$count,$encoding) | retrieveMessage(...) | Get no. of messages specified from a given queue |
getPolicyInfo($vhost,$name) | Get policy information according to specified parameters. | |
getUserInfo($username) | Get information for a particular user | |
getCompleteInfo() | Get complete information of the rabbitmq | |
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