This framework is designed and authored, with an aim to separate PHP
and HTML
. Usually it is a messy task to understand PHP and HTML in combined state. This framework allows you to have a clean environment, while working on code base whether it is production and staging. It support no. of features like dynamic templating, dynamic assigning, variable definition, html switching etc.
composer require sahil-gulati/phphump
"sahil-gulati/phphump": "1.0.2"
composer install
<title>My Page</title>
foreach($someVariable as $value)
echo "<p class='someClass'> $value </p>";
<title>My Page</title>
<p class='someClass' hump-loop="someVariable as value">
1. Attributes
2. Tags
Your feedback at my implementation will be highly appreciated. For any further requirements, support and issues while implementation, You can directly drop me an email at [email protected] and I will be back to you. :)