Releases: Sage/design-tokens
Releases · Sage/design-tokens
5.0.0-beta.27 (2024-12-03)
- data: 2nd push (5dc3fdc)
- data: Add form.color.switch for FROZENPRODUCT theme (5535161)
- data: adding color overrides for progress bar (77bfecc)
- data: adding tab frozen colors (ae4b665)
- data: Change code order in FROZENPRODUCT theme colours (1a20919)
- data: correct FROZEN tertiary button enabled border value (8ce493c)
- data: DARK THEME Add Update values of tokens referencing primitive black and white to reference generic colour tokens. (acdcc09)
- data: first set of changes relating to dark theme contrastMore and contrastLess values, along with changes to tokens that reference contrastMore and contrastLess (db38739)
- data: fixing active and hover label breakages in frozen theme (2516e22)
- data: fixing issues with popover component in frozen theme (c1217e0)
- data: LIGHT THEME Add, and change all values that reference primitive white or black to reference generic colour tokens instead (3728b06)
- data: LIGHT THEME: 1. Correct modes.color.status info and callout defaultAlt values. 2. Correct value of status.callout.hoverAlt. DARK THEME: 1. Correct all status defaultAlt tokens to use same mixes as light theme tokens, with slight modification to the mix amount: 0.2 in dark vs of 0.1 in light. 2. Correct value of status.succes.hoverAlt. (3297228)
- data: Reorder code for button colours. (7142986)
- data: Update value of modes.color.status.caution.hover (d182ff8)
- data: update values of DARK THEME focus colours (974f3c7)
- data: Update values of primitives shadows for @dru (04f4097)
5.0.0-beta.25 (2024-12-02)
- data: syncing themes (ee340f6)
- data: Add modes.color.custom.frozen, and update to reference that. (fdf66c4)
- data: Add modes.light.color.custom.frozen and update modes.color.interactive.primary.legacy tokens to reference that. (c6fb180)
- data: Add nav menu border colour and width (2d0f45d)
- data: Add primitives.colors.tealBright and modes.color.status.generic.default (4188103)
- data: adding a brand mid layer color (86023e3)
- data: adding a large subtle radius token (4d1b23a)
- data: adding bg and bg alt progress colors (cd51101)
- data: adding copilot colors for foundations (f850743)
- data: adding dark colors for message subtle WIP (c0c183a)
- data: adding dark theme subtle message colors (2a98950)
- data: adding marketing large screen tokens (2e951b7)
- data: adding marketing overrides for semantic mid layer (04ce276)
- data: adding marketing primitive responsive step sizes (5540ccb)
- data: adding max width token for message content (3c6d37d)
- data: adding menu X tokens (2b559b1)
- data: adding remaining missing colors for our foundations icons (3d1aeef)
- data: adding space tokens for nikolay (cfbe567)
- data: adding subtext tokens underneath standard dropdown option set (22285dd)
- data: adding success green for validation text on password checker (3510371)
- data: adjusting baseline width to be 4px on tabs (400085f)
- data: adjusting color tokens for video button (23f677c)
- data: adjusting large subtle button top padding (c9b0495)
- data: adjusting mid layer hover alt colors (1cba6d0)
- data: adjusting video button based on joseph's feedback (f1e376b)
- data: changing password xg spacing to 6px (14df34a)
- data: consolidating down adaptive fonts to make them work in figma variables once more (a1d2087)
- data: Correct gradient values on color/interactive/ai active and hover, and on color/status/content/loading (f45ddb3)
- data: Dark mode: Remove incorrect lines in alpha mixes: 1. "color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastLess}" from lines 202, 257, 609. 2."color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastMore}" from lines 424, 623, 701 (e2c9a83)
- data: DARK THEME Correct gradient values on color/interactive/ai active and hover, and on color/status/content/loading (c40b2c8)
- data: fixing border width on arrows for tab (17a3e4f)
- data: fixing broken marketing typography overrides (75aa581)
- data: Fixing broken token aliases in progress file. (3abd04b)
- data: further video button tweaks (69632f3)
- data: increasing border-width for step flow. Looked too small previously (2fdf32d)
- data: Light mode: 1. Remove incorrect lines in alpha mixes: "color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastMore}" from lines 425, 635, 713. 2. Remove incorrect line ""color": "{modes.color.modifier.contrastLess}" from lines 202, 257. (57a71d3)
- data: lightening the page backdrop color (31a7297)
- data: making step minus one 13px frozen theme for copilot usecase (8c04b23)
- data: pushing copilot identifier tokens (123ee77)
- data: pushing wip logo work (103afbe)
- data: reducing 4px top padding on option subtext in dropdown menus to 2px (d792ee8)
- data: reducing pading top on summary list component (2e22e1d)
- data: rename modes.color.interactive.dataEntry legacy to frozen (fade76c)
- data: Rename modes.color.interactive.primary legacy to frozen. (d9f29a9)
- data: Reorder code and add color.interactive.primary.frozen defaultAlt and hoverAlt to dark mode theme. (08b5096)
- data: restructuring some mid layer tokens to make monochrome less of a mess (52aad05)
- data: simplifying mid layer type tokens (522b2d5)
- data: sync to variables (d31329f)
- data: syncing themes (c740ae4)
- data: syncing themes (2f6b54d)
- data: syncing themes (590e9d7)
- data: syncing themes (b7a75f6)
- data: syncing themes (ec12d32)
- data: syncing themes (1a70579)
- data: syncing themes (d84ee1f)
- data: syncing variables (d6331a6)
- data: theme syncing (e35e444)
- data: theme syncing (ac68fe4)
- data: theme syncing (a966be1)
- data: theme syncing (0bcffe5)
- data: theme syncing (3654bb1)
- data: theme syncing (478830b)
- data: t...
5.0.0-beta.24 (2024-10-08)
- data: add an inverse color for bg alt (1c0922f)
- data: adding a size none for container group (4c17be2)
- data: adding adaptive size tokens for skeleton (e1c0621)
- data: adding better page bg colors to make the ui feel more modern (75f674f)
- data: adding bold link tokens (384774d)
- data: adding clamp responsive profile type tokens (a5ca8a5)
- data: adding H5 token for lisa (a410bea)
- data: adding heading mid layer tokens (94c40f8)
- data: adding marketing roundedness overrides for card and tile (d554a8b)
- data: adding mid level backdrop colors for page level tokens (94a564b)
- data: adding missing H5 token (e7d5751)
- data: adding missing legacy tokens for input and popovers (25979ed)
- data: adding missing pill wrapper tokens (631c800)
- data: adding more legacy theme overrides (125c97f)
- data: adding opacity token for progress spinner (e58e4b9)
- data: adding pill radius override to legacy theme (8a97267)
- data: adding profile type tokens (472cdf3)
- data: adding rating tokens (e34a901)
- data: adding small screen overrides for typography (1288db5)
- data: adding support for legacy navy subtle button (c25d316)
- data: adding XS size for initials in (892fb64)
- data: adjusting color bg color for spinner bg (a42e1c4)
- data: adjusting font sized for product default large paragraph text (5db76c2)
- data: attaching local variables (be6fcc9)
- data: attempting to override small type tokens (69f49e9)
- data: changing feedback group to be called status instead (6e53b61)
- data: changing paragraph name to be typical instead of standard (ccb1dc4)
- data: changing the order of variable modes (46c78b2)
- data: deleting a dupe token (4855c9e)
- data: finalising type tokens for profile comp (f64eb8d)
- data: fixing a typo (754ad3b)
- data: fixing alias references where inverse was referenced inside standard groups (f35c99e)
- data: fixing aliases on popover component group. Previosly inverse was pointing to standard. (7974ada)
- data: fixing an alias token in page component specific layer (d5a48f8)
- data: fixing bg colors for vas on rating (2be5cb3)
- data: fixing broken variables (8bfce1b)
- data: fixing container aliases to remove inverse references in standard groups (65581c7)
- data: fixing dimmer token issues (f02cf49)
- data: fixing focus label color issue on dark theme (2b095e3)
- data: fixing inverse bg color on nudge (be47be4)
- data: fixing issue with status bg color on inverse (5f9e5bd)
- data: fixing lots of component large type sizes. They were pointing to small instead of large. (c1e0631)
- data: fixing mid layer discrepencies (b3995f7)
- data: fixing responsive large subtle button where it accidentally pointed to small instead of large (3d2f3e7)
- data: fixing skeleton state mid layer aliases (80f5f9c)
- data: fixing skeleton state size (806efb6)
- data: fixing some of the issues withy file input tokens where mid layer was incorrectly set up (978741e)
- data: fixing some sentancecase issues (1ebdbdb)
- data: fixing status alias issues (bad7e72)
- data: fixing table label colors (25b4b0e)
- data: fixing typo in the progress group (2d2011c)
- data: improving table colors to make them more on brand (8349cae)
- data: making adaptive type play well with Figma (23dbc28)
- data: making sure large button type sizes point to their large counterparts in the mid layer (563e7ae)
- data: moving nudge tokens to container instead of status (150425b)
- data: removing alias reference to standard groups that sit within inverse inside status component file (ad4f054)
- data: removing all reference to inverse tokens (6369f3e)
- data: removing any reference of standard in inverse for buttons and badges (441eaf9)
- data: removing extra semicolons for linear gradients in the modes mid layer (5371e2d)
- data: removing token that breaks the things (4cbb2b2)
- data: simplifying skeleton size tokens (3a10a0a)
- data: simplifying the type tokens so we can change font size via variables (b7c5cde)
- data: syncing themes (b2872b9)
- data: syncing them...
5.0.0-beta.23 (2024-09-20)
- data: adding screensize dependant breakpoint-min-width token (4b280c3)
5.0.0-beta.22 (2024-09-09)
5.0.0-beta.20 (2024-09-06)
- data: feat(data): (284ae70)
- data: 1. Add base.color.generic.content.standard.moderate. 2. Update value of base.color.interactive.inactive.standard.iconAlt. (59e2354)
- data: 1. Add 2. Remove popover calendar tokens. (3903f30)
- data: 1. Add origin.colors.lightAiV. 2. Add 3. Add feedback.color.inverse.AI.nudge tokens. 4. Add feedback.color.inverse.text. (1a47a24)
- data: 1. Change progress.size. carouselselector to carousel.selector. 2. Change carouselslide carousel.slide. 3. Add 4. Reorder code alphabetically. (08bdf3e)
- data: 1. Change token name of several form.color.switch tokens from activedisabled and to activedisabled. 2. Update value of form.color.switch.label-active for On label. 3. Update value of form.color.switch.label-activedisabled. (a7c3655)
- data: 1. Create subsets in tokens. 2. Add tokens. (771a8f3)
- data: 1. Delete form.size.filepreview.thumbnail. 2. Add tokens. (a19b909)
- data: 1. Delete 2. Add x, xg, and y tokens (0b47dc4)
- data: 1. Move container.size.pagination tokens to progress.size.carouselselector. 2. Add progress.opacity.carousel.inactive. 3. Add (bbbde71)
- data: 1. Remove tokens. 2. Add button video colour tokens. 3. Update value of form.color.standard.calendar.text-hover. 4. Update values of modes.color.interactive.monochrome standard and inverse withDefault (ecf4299)
- data: 1. Rename to base.color.status.generic. 2. Rename progress.color.standard fg-alt3 to datavis.fg-default. (a35c46c)
- data: 1. Rename radius colorswatch token to colorpicker. 2. Add calendar spacing tokens to Form. 3. Reorder Form tokens alphabetically. (943b478)
- data: 1. Temporary update to nav.color boder tokens. 2. Update value of (9c66e78)
- data: 1. Update description of base.color.interactive.inactive.standard.contentAlt. 2. Add base.color.interactive.inactive.standard icon and iconAlt. 3. Update value of form.color.typical.icon- readOnly and disabled. (87a5b94)
- data: 1. Update nav color names from subtle to standard, and from harsh to inverse. 2. Move popover colors into a standard parent folder. Create inverse popover colors. Update value of 3. Add sage-icon font to global, and re-order font families. 4. Update value of global.typography.component.icon.M, and add S and L tokens. 5. Reorder typography code. (9a9593f)
- data: 1. Update progress skeleton space tokens. 2. Add container.radius.contacttile token. 3. Add container.color.inverse tokens. 4. Add container.radius.contacttile. (7fb492d)
- data: 1. Update value of form.radius.colorpicker. 2. Reorder Form radius and borderwidth tokens alphabetically. (95080b6)
- data: 1. Update value of global.size.icon S and L. 2. Update value of container.size.icon.L. 3. Add form.size.icon S and L. (81eb80a)
- data: 1. Update value of nav.size.horizontal.navbar.content.icon.M. 2. Update descriptions on tokens (8f1a109)
- data: 1. Update values and descriptions of base.color.interactive.primary tokens. 2. Add tokens (b66a85f)
- data: 1. Update values of yg.M and xg.M. 2 Addprogress.color.stepsequence colors. (557e518)
- data: 1) Delete nav.color item.border active and default tokens. 2) Delete nav.radius.navigationleft (61fe9df)
- data: 2nd push (2d725d0)
- data: 2nd push (9913ac4)
- data: 2nd push (d44bb3f)
- data: 2nd push (fd33c65)
- data: 2nd push (ce0578c)
- data: 2nd push (4b672cf)
- data: 2nd push (1575670)
- data: 2nd push (9ffce0c)
- data: 2nd push (d8046bb)
- data: 2nd push (35f4e22)
- data: 2nd push (a4cd3fe)
- data: 2nd push (0986cb8)
- data: 2nd push (af6de86)
- data: actioning primary and secondary text color ratios (4e1a804)
- data: add a higher contast subtle button (cac153b)
- data: Add activealt colours to navigation and popover. (4b61001)
- data: add ai border tokens (2dda7e1)
- data: Add base and component tokens for logo colours. (315b5e5)
- data: Add base colour for status AI, add feedback colour for AI, and move nudge into AI. (257a8ff)
- data: Add base status cool colour, and add progress.color.standard.fg-alt3 (for progress tracker) (f01188c)
- data: Add tokens. Update nav colour tokens. (82b1829)
- data: Add base.color.interactive.dataEntry.withActiveAlt and form.color.typical.iconAlt-active. (ad5e41b)
- data: Add and update value of feedback inverse horizontal token (5667887)
- data: Add boxshadow for tab navigation (f54613d)
- data: Add button colour and dimension tokens (742c67d)
- data: Add (cf6aa4b)
- data: Add S, M and L tokens (e8fabd9)
- data: Add (e54efc5)
- data: Add
5.0.0-beta.19 (2024-04-15)
- data: [4:02 PM] Denning, Claire (a81a779)
- data: 1. Add global.typography.heading.XXS. 2. Delete unused (dd55ad6)
- data: 1. Add 2. Update description of (e13ce08)
- data: 1. Change value of base.color.status standard.default from origin colours to origin BRIGHT colours, and update value of feedback.color.standard.label-default from white token to black token. 2. Add base.color.status standard.text colours for negative and caution. 3.. Update value of feedback.color inverse and standard label-disabled. 4. Change names of all base.color.status standard hoverAlt to alt, and update description. (b357f8c)
- data: 1. Change value of base.color.status.negative.standard.default from red to brightRed. 2. Change value of form.color.validation label tokens. (b16a57b)
- data: 1. Delete feedback.color label-disabled. 2. Add feedback.color label-readonly. (3a9e877)
- data: 1. Re-order typography code. 2. Add typography component profile tokens. (decd6dc)
- data: 1. Rename feedback bg and border disabled tokens to readonly, and update some of the values. (d4b16bb)
- data: 1. Rename global shadow tokens to boxshadow. 2. Change order of global tokens. 3. Rename component-specific borderradius tokens to radius. (53259ce)
- data: 1. Rename typical space tokens to generic. 2. Re-order code. (b5a57b7)
- data: 1. Revert value of base.color.status standard.default back to origin from origin Bright. 2. Revert the value of feedback.color.standard.label-default from black to white token. (da5e637)
- data: 1. Update descriptions on origin reds. 2. Update values of tokens. 3. Rename elevation tokens to shadow. 4. Rename borderradius tokens to radius. 5. Update description on global.borderradius.interactive.XS. 6. Update values of some base.color.interactive.danger tokens. (1b550d0)
- data: 1. Update value of fileinput.uploadpreview. 2. Add global.size.macro.XXXXL. 3. Add container.size.linkpreview.M. (e16cb64)
- data: 1. Update value of 2. Update value of (fa4cefd)
- data: 1. Update values of tab.color.typical bg-active and bg-hover. (402d9a2)
- data: 2nd push (0179c31)
- data: 2nd push (741c50b)
- data: 2nd push (5bf9372)
- data: Add borderwidth.portrait token. (376e79e)
- data: Add container.color.standard.icon. (0eb5f2c)
- data: Add container.color.standard.interactive.borderalt-hover. (70d07fa)
- data: Add container.size.icon.L. (7759a7a)
- data: Add, (1ff8e0a)
- data: Add token. (874b2fa)
- data: Add global size token. Add container.size.scrollbar token. (f2cf370)
- data: Add tab.color.typical.border-hover. (907dc45)
- data: Add tab.radius.L and updated tab.radius.M description. (f99258c)
- data: added a callout color for marketing to consume on their banners (782421b)
- data: adding card drag state (fb1bd9e)
- data: adding component specific icon tokens (7a3e07e)
- data: adding drag state to interactive card elevations (df5f6b4)
- data: adding generic content padding tokens for popover content such as color picker and calendar (c516e03)
- data: adding marketing minty jade color for phillip (1da887f)
- data: adding more origin border-rad options for cards, dialogs and tiles (73fd408)
- data: adding new gap token for raf to use in his link preview component (d6c1642)
- data: adding new icon colors for message comp (8149ede)
- data: adding new token structure based off call with dru to support small and large screens (77b814a)
- data: adding spacing and sizing tokens for color picker (4157616)
- data: adding the missing yg token for raf (f5e0b4b)
- data: adding the subtle message bg colors. (5154c83)
- data: adding underline styling origin token for typography (e7392a5)
- data: adding XS heading for use on product tiles, cards etc (bff3bb1)
- data: adjusting dialog border radius to mirror what's been agreed with phillip (16fffff)
- data: apply white mixer for subtle message bgs (a2532bd)
- data: changing body token to be called paragraph (e51916e)
- data: changing card footer to be white (810b208)
- data: changing hover origin token for cards (52780e1)
- data: changing paragraph subheading to 'body' (e987666)
- data: cleaning up the amount of type sizes used. Deleting redundant ones to simplify based on foundations file. (01e02f9)
- data: deleting out redundant tokens that claire marked in pink (8201be3)
- data: editing some swatch container border-rad tokens (f4e7efe)
- data: Figma sync (8cd83fe)
- data: Figma sync theme update (904de59)
- data: Figma theme update. (79d5651)
- data: fix for large paragraph spacing issue (c36b953)
- data: fixing spacing issue on lar...