Prerequisites: Install the 'Expo Go' app from the app store.
To run app on mobile device:
- Open this link on your mobile device or web browser: . Only those who have access to this link can open and use the app.
- If opened on mobile, click the 'Open Project Using Expo Go' button which will redirect you to the Expo Go app and open the Waste Classifier App for you.
- If opened on a web browser, use your mobile device's camera to scan the QR code on the website. A link will appear on your camera screen and ask to open the app in Expo Go. Tap the the link/button to be redirected to the Expo Go app where the Waste Classifier App will start to run.
Model related files are in src/assets/model/ and python-model/ . The model.json and .bin file are loaded into the ClassifierScreen.js to run the model in the app.