Radium is a research 3D Engine for rendering, animation and processing. It is developed and maintained by the STORM research group.
The Radium ecosystem is composed of several components (e.g. libraries, apps, plugins). The purpose of this repository is to provide a unique entry point to easily fetch, compile and run all the tools provided by Radium. This repository also builds the ecosystem and provide pre-compiled binaries for the different releases.
- Radium Libraries (https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-Engine): contains the Radium libraries.
- Radium Apps (https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-Apps): contains several applications, including MainApp, which is for now the default software with GUI. This repository also demonstrates command-line applications. Dependencies: Radium Libraries
- Radium Plugins Example (https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-PluginExample): contains plugins examples, demonstrating how to write, compile and use plugins with MainApp. Dependencies: Radium Libraries, Radium Apps.
- Radium Official Plugins (https://gitlab.com/Storm-IRIT/radium-official-plugins): general purpose plugins. Dependencies: Radium Libraries, Radium Apps.
Depending on you needs, you may want to:
- Use Radium as a viewer and processing software, with graphical user interface. That's the most simple case: simply download the latest release, and run. See https://github.com/STORM-IRIT/Radium-Releases/releases. You may also want to compile it from source, checkout here
- Contribute to Radium, or develop your own application of plugin: Radium Libraries is the default and mandatory repository you need to fetch first. If you only want to use Radium, you still need to compile and install the libraries (see documentation).
- If you want to contribute to the application or plugins developments, fetch and compile the Radium Apps and Radium Official Plugins respectively.
- If you want to write your own application of plugin, checkout the HelloRadium and Radium Plugins Example projects.
Fetch and compile the whole ecosystem each time any of the master
branch of the related repositories is updated.