The potential smoke-free dividend from quitting for smokers across local areas in England: A cross-sectional analysis - code repository
The purpose of this repository is to provide reproducible code and data inputs to produce the results of the paper “The potential smoke-free dividend from quitting for smokers across local areas in England: A cross-sectional analysis”.
Fork the project on GitHub to create your own repository. This project
uses renv
to aid
reproducibility of results by ensuring users make use of the same
When a new user first launches in this project, renv
automatically bootstrap itself, thereby downloading and installing the
appropriate version of renv
into the project library. After this has
completed, they can then use renv::restore()
to restore the project
library locally on their machine.
Once the project library is restored, the repository is ready to be used to replicate the analysis once the requirements below are met.
The R scripts which reproduce the analysis are stored in the R/
directory. The script run_analyses.R
in the top level of the
repository is a metafile which runs all of the scripts in order. The key
outputs are saved to outputs/main results/
All data inputs required are available in the repository or part of the
R package smkfreediv
which is open source and available on
GitHub. The exception to this is
the Smoking Toolkit Study (STS) data which cannot be provided.
The analysis requires the use of the smkfreediv
R package, which
contains functions and data inputs needed to calculate the amount of
upshifting required to account for underreporting of spending data in
the STS and to combine data sources to calculate the smoke free
dividend. The version of smkfreediv
which produced the analysis in the
paper is 1.6.3. It is not guaranteed that the code in this
repository will still work with later versions of the package.
To install the package from GitHub with the version used to produce the
paper, run the follwowing code (also contained in the
001 - package installation.R
script file). Note that smkfreediv
part of the renv
environment and is restored with the other CRAN
packages when using renv::restore()
, so this step is not needed.
ref = "1.6.3",
build_vignettes = FALSE
In order to run the analysis the user must provide their own version of
the STS data. The raw SPSS file for the STS data must be stored in the
directory within the project repository and the name of
the file (including .sav extension) should be updated in the data_file
object created in the run_analyses.R
file located in the root
directory of the repository. e.g. for the April 2021 data the paper was
produced using:
data_file <- "omni174_39.1_65.2cot_31.3a_25.4s_recodes_60.5sa.sav"
Note that this repository uses the renv R package to produce a reproducible environment for this analysis. see the package website for more information.
When first launching the project, the function renv::restore()
populate the renv/library
folder, installing the R packages saved in
the lockfifle.
The lockfile renv.lock
is in the top level of the repository, and
contains the metadata for all R packages used in the project. The
libraries themselves are ignored by git and not uploaded to GitHub, and
so a new user needs to install the packages themselves using the
The .Rprofile file in the top level of the repository is automatically
run when the project is opened and this runs the script file
to set the renv folder as the source R package
The version of R used to produce the analysis is 4.3.1.
Please cite this code repository as:
Morris D (2023) The potential smoke-free dividend across local areas in England: A cross-sectional analysis - code and data repository 2023. University of Sheffield. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/VZMP7.