Code for studies on jet imaging and identification with Machine Learning.
- Pythia8
- FastJet 3.2.1
- tries to automate the process of downloading and building Fasjet, Pythia8 and our repository. Does not download ROOT, you have to download and set it yourself.
- checks for the presence of ROOT, Pythia and Fastjet, and compiles the code.
- generates jet images according to a series of switches. Run with ./generateJetImage --help to see the options.
- drawCaloJet.C: ROOT macro to draw a calo jet from a file generated by generateJetImage.
(everything after here is old and may be deprecated)
- Try for a smart way to generate the LHE file for the signal (background can come from Pythia itself)
- Try to make this compile in some other places other than in Thiago's machine
- Get rid of the hardcoded names
- Get rid of the stupid multiple loop drawJet.C