This repository contains the source files used to build to the official CDMI 2.0 specification document.
The document is written using reStructuredText, and built using the Sphinx (
Currently, the document is optimized for PDF output via LaTeX.
When installing the various applications, it is recommended to choose the current user only installation in contrast to the all users installation. This prevents later issues around the need for Administrative Access.
Download & Install Python Tested with Python 3.6.5
From the Windows command line, run:
pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib-bibtex
This should also pull in any dependencies
Download and install MikTeX Tested with MikTeX 2.9
Download and install Perl Tested with ActiveState Perl
Install required MikTeX packages as follows:
- Open MikTeX console from Windows Start menu
- Click on 'Stay in user mode'
- Choose the tab "Packages" on the left side of the window
- Find the package 'latexmk' in the list and install via right-clicking and choosing 'install package'
- Close the window
- Other MikTeX packages will be automatically installed during the LaTeX build later on.
- Download the .zip archive of the CDMI-spec repository from Github
- In the "CDMI-spec-master" directory, run
make latex
- In the "CDMI-spec-master\_build\latex" directory, run
latexmk -pdf
- Run
start _build\latex\CDMI_v2.0.0.pdf
to open the newly built PDF
- Install xcode from the Macintosh App Store
- From the Mac Terminal, run
xcode-select --install
to install the xcode Command Line Tools - From the Mac Finder, run the xcode application to accept the license
- Download macports from
- From the Mac Finder, run the macports Installer application
- From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port install py38-sphinx
to install sphinx - From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port select --set python python38
to set python 3.6 as default - From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port select --set sphinx py38-sphinx
to set python 3.6 as the default for Sphinx - From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port install py38-sphinxcontrib-bibtex
to install the bibtex bibliography extension to sphinx
The following additional pacakges may be required:
sudo port install py36-sphinxcontrib-qthelp
sudo port install py36-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
sudo port install py36-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp
sudo port install py36-sphinxcontrib-jsmath
sudo port install py36-sphinxcontrib-devhelp
sudo port install py36-sphinxcontrib-applehelp
- From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port install texlive-latex
to install latex - From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port install texlive-xetex
to install xelatex - From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port install latexmk
to install latexmk - From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port install texlive
to install texlive - From the Mac Terminal, run
sudo port install texlive-latex-extra
to install texlive extras
- Download the .zip archive of the CDMI-spec repository from the snia-spec github repository (
- From the Mac Terminal, in the CDMI-spec-master directory, run
make latexpdf
to build the document - From the Mac Terminal, in the CDMI-spec-master directory, run
open _build/latex/CDMI_v2.0.0.pdf
to open the newly built PDF