Caraballo, D. A., López, S. L., Botero-Cañola, S., Gardner, S. L. Journal of Mammalogy, in press
This paper proposes new conservation status based on rewieved Ctenomys distribution areas while checking for they overlap with protected areas and the conservation status of the species from this genus and includes an interactive map. This is made using Rstudio, tidyverse, sf, and leaflet packages.
Due to size restriction, the data can be downloaded from here
ctenomys_distribution_areas_water_subtracted: ctenomys_distribution_areas with water_bodies subtracted.
intersections_ctenomys_protected_areas: computed intersections between ctenomys_distribution_areas_water_subtracted and raw_interest_protected_areas.
all_layers_interactive_map: one shape with the layers ctenomys_distribution_areas_water_subtracted, - intersections_ctenomys_protected_areas and raw_interest_protected_areas for teh interactive map.
all_layers_simplified_interactive_map: all_layers_interactive_map simplified at mapshaper to 10% for interactive map.
data_preparation.R: manipulates distributions for area calculations and data visualization
figure_3.html: html sankey code.
Ctenomys_Land_Cover_Change.r: Estimate large scale land cover changes within the geographic range of each Ctenomys species.
Files with SD prefixes generates the Supplementary Data:
Supplementary Data SD1. Interactive map showing Ctenomys geographic distribution areas (DAs), protected areas (PAs), and their intersection.
Supplementary Data SD4. List of protected areas (PAs) that overlap Ctenomys geographic distributions.
Supplementary Data SD5. Interactive table showing distribution areas, conservation status, overlap with protected areas, and habitat transformation in the past 20 years for 68 extant Ctenomys species.